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    posted a message on Please Help

    I have that turned on I have everything turned on like he has but Theres still a few things missing from mine

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Please Help

    Ya I have seen those tutorials but his editor is different than mine I have it set to all the same layouts and stuff but there are certain options and things he uses that arent in mine and so I just end up hitting dead ends everywhere

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Please Help

    I cant download your minichop farms thing it says it doesnt exist.

    The problem is that we cant find any good tutorials can you just at least point us to a good tutorial series?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Please Help

    Hello me and a friend of mine are horribly confused with the editor kinda we can to terrain and stuff but thats easy no matter how many tutorials we watch or help we ask for we just cant seem to understand the data editor and complex triggers. We know the basics but we have so many awesome ideas but the complexity of the editor continues to hold us back

    If anyone wants to help us like pretty much to all the work and send you the map and we can talk on skype and stuff whale we do this

    Posted in: General Chat
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