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    posted a message on Help guide me

    @Asuka23dk: Go

    I found a way to make item, so only need abit of help with the rest
    Dam I am tried of coding sooo many lines to write and test edit and test again :)

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    posted a message on Help guide me

    @ScorpSCII: Go

    That guide it okay for a basic select system, but the one I need is a bit more complex.
    I need it to be like this when done
    1, Black screen no gui
    2, Pop up screen with race select (also need it to set team the same time)
    3, Hero select for the race selected (Hope to get it to show number of the hero other select)
    4, spawn unit at the team's Starting point
    I was hoping to do this in some kind of menu like they have in Hero Battle, also later when all done and working I will add banking/saving of hero but that is much later. If posible can you change team in the fly with a trigger?

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    posted a message on Help guide me

    Hi I need some help in finding out how to getting started on some parts of the map I am working on
    I need a good Hero Select system
    I need a good inventory system with a bag, weapon/armor slot
    I need a good guide to help me making items
    I am mostly looking for tutorial so I can learn from them

    Love Asuka

    Posted in: General Chat
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