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    posted a message on Newbie problems when editing ladder maps

    My sincere thanks to you both for your responses!

    I decided to restart what I was working on in a fresh Entombed Valley map, and now suddenly everything works for some reason. I don't think I did anything differently at all, but who knows since I'm new to this sort of thing.

    Terhonator, I'll be sure to take a look at your tutorial sometime today. Thanks for the link.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Newbie problems when editing ladder maps

    Hi guys. I'm new here and these will probably seem like extremely stupid questions, but I'm completely stumped.

    I'm trying to edit Entombed Valley to add my own triggers. However, I'm having two major problems:

    1.] When I launch the map, it usually results in auto-win. I know this is because the melee victory condition is being met. I don't, however, know how to set up the player properties so that I will spawn and an AI will also spawn. For example, in the player properties I have Player 1 forced to be Protoss. However, it still seems completely random what race I'll be when I spawn. Half the time I end up as either Terran or Zerg. Also, it seems like the AI Player 2 only spawns when it wants to, and most of the time it just doesn't spawn at all.

    2.] I'm trying to add a trigger to display a Text Message in the chat area that indicates the spawn point of Player 1. I have all the conditional logic figured out, that was easy. The problem is the text itself displays "Param/Value/XXXXXXX" where the X's represent the referenced string/data/whatever. The actual message I try to output is never displayed. I know this problem is usually caused by localization issues, but is this the case with an official Blizzard map? I'm using the enUS client. How do I fix this?

    Thanks so much for your help! I'm beginning to lose all hope D:

    Posted in: Triggers
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