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    posted a message on Unit memory consumption

    yeah, sorry for the vague title, but there's a bit of a dire question I need answered.

    So basically, all unit upgrades that are visible on the unit itself when upgraded (ie: the battle shield on the Marine) are always "attached" to the model, but are simply made invisible ingame when they have not been upgraded.

    So some custom units I'm modeling are planned to have a huge number of upgrades, but if it's upgraded one way it can't be given any of the other upgrades (to be more specific, it's a tank with different types of main gun turrets, which obviously can't all be in place simultaneously).

    So to get straight to the point, are these "invisible" objects always being rendered ingame and taking up computer resources, or when invisible are they not consuming anything at all? This is important because I don't want this tank being three times more resource heavy than it needs to be.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on General question about custom animations

    Sorry to (sort of) necro this thread, but I've been gone for a while and there's a bit of a problem with the m3 plugin; there's no "M3 Sequences" utility showing up in the Utilities dropdown menu.

    I've run all the M3 scripts, but for whatever reason the Sequences is entirely absent. Is this some kind of known bug with certain versions of Max, or am I just doing something wrong?

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on General question about custom animations

    I'm not seeing any function for designating sequences anywhere in Max or the M3 Plugin. Also, what if the unit I'm creating has potentially more total animation time than the time track allows? Or can you expand the time track?

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on General question about custom animations


    I've only learned how to animate things with bones as of this morning, and while there's still obviously a lot to learn, google hasn't turned up much in the way of creating custom animations for SC2. Basically I just want a thread on general things to consider for making dedicated SC2 animations.

    Also, on a more specific note, say I'm creating animations for an entirely new unit. I understand animations can be exported via the M3 Exporter, however what I'm uncertain about is exactly how these animations are supposed to be applied to a unit in the game itself - in other words, how does SC2 determine which animations are the ones for idle, attacking, moving, etc. I don't want to end up wasting a bunch of time cranking out a bunch of animation keys only to find out that there was some important detail I was unaware of.

    Thanks in advance

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Issue with viewing textures in 3ds Max

    @xcorbo: Go

    Do you have an IM, like Yahoo or Skype or something? It'd probably be better to go over this in a real time conversation.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Issue with viewing textures in 3ds Max

    @xcorbo: Go

    Are you sure about that? Every single video on normal mapping in Max shows normals rendering in viewport, and all of them are just using the Standard shader.

    Also, played with the driver configuration and adding lights, and it didn't have any effect. It hasn't showed up in viewport or rendering.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Issue with viewing textures in 3ds Max

    @xcorbo: Go

    I am using the Starcraft II material shader. Also, I've found that while I can't view specularity maps in viewport yet, I can still adjust the specularity level in the SCII shader menu. However, it's not the specularity issue that's bothering me so much as the normal mapping issue. I've watched and read dozens of tutorials on implementing normal maps in Max, and while I've successfully created some, I've yet to actually be able to see them on my model, even if I render it.

    Also, @ Jaxter

    I'm still new to the program, but if you want some basic help, I highly recommend watching this tutorial series. It's a few hours long, but it's incredibly helpful for mastering the basics of Max.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Issue with viewing textures in 3ds Max


    I'm completely new to modeling and texturing (just started about 2 weeks ago), and I'm attempting to create entirely original units for an SC2 mod. Everything's gone right so far, but I've been having a major issue with viewing textures in 3ds Max 9 for the past few days, and I've been unable to work around it.

    AFV preview

    This is a model I've been working on, and while I've had no issue applying diffuse maps I've made it to, for whatever reason, adding specular maps and normal maps has absolutely no effect on it, regardless of whether I'm looking at it in the viewport or rendering.

    Also note, I have been following tutorials on this site, and I am using the Starcraft 2 shader plugin for Max, and I have been applying the maps as Starcraft 2 Bitmaps. Looking up the issue has yielded no fixes. Maybe someone here knows the problem?

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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