Oh, well. I ended up making a Dynamic Pathing Blocker type unit utilizing the No Build-footprint and a Beacon actor copy. Don't know why I had to do it this way around, but it works now!
Tried them both, simultaneously. They seem just as buggy both of them...
Bug buggy bug bug, jitter-bug.
EDIT: For reference, I tried simply using a LOS Blocker Footprint on the beacon, but as you can see in the image below the beacon ruthlessly refuses to have an unbuildable footprint!
I'm trying to create a customized Terran Beacon as a marker for Bunkers that have been destroyed. What I would like to apply to this Beacon is that no buildings can be build on top of it, however units should be free to walk over it.
I've looked into several of the built-in footprints, but none of them (even the ones with (No Build) in the title) actually prevents workers building on it. In the "Footprints Editor" I have tried Define Sets and checking the No Build-option, but there seems to be a bug in that choosing Set One for the placement layers does not apply - the next time I enter the editor it says Set: (None)
EDIT: Oddly enough, the No Build-option does have an effect within the editor, but not in the game.
Anybody know a solution? :) (besides the boring one of painting with the No Building pathing brush)
StragusMapster was right, on his first statement, nonetheless :) I made a function PointGetAbsoluteHeight() that returns the sum of the relative height (of a 3D Point or a unit placed with the editor) PointGetHight() and the height of the terrain underneath WorldHeight().
However, when dealing with points for the Actor Message libNtve_gf_SetPosition() (and vectors in general) I simply use the PointGetHeight() for the Z coordinate, since that function does indeed position actors according to "absolute space".
I'm playing around with some 3D points and "vectors" in order to make simple animations with Actors using the
Actor - Send message "SetPosition X Y Z" to actor (Actor for Mineral Cart [x, y])
In galaxy code, I want to define the next point (lv_p) along a set path and put the actor there:
ActorSend(ActorFromDoodad(DoodadFromId(649)), libNtve_gf_SetPosition(PointGetX(lv_p), PointGetY(lv_p), PointGetZ(lv_p)));
But as it turns out, there is no standard function called PointGetZ()! The closest thing is PointGetHeight(), but this is relative to the terrain, and not very usefull for defining absolute points in space. Am I missing something basic here, or can somebody point me to a nice workaround?
Oh, well. I ended up making a Dynamic Pathing Blocker type unit utilizing the No Build-footprint and a Beacon actor copy. Don't know why I had to do it this way around, but it works now!
@DrSuperEvil: Go
Tried them both, simultaneously. They seem just as buggy both of them...
Bug buggy bug bug, jitter-bug.
EDIT: For reference, I tried simply using a LOS Blocker Footprint on the beacon, but as you can see in the image below the beacon ruthlessly refuses to have an unbuildable footprint!
I'm trying to create a customized Terran Beacon as a marker for Bunkers that have been destroyed. What I would like to apply to this Beacon is that no buildings can be build on top of it, however units should be free to walk over it.
I've looked into several of the built-in footprints, but none of them (even the ones with (No Build) in the title) actually prevents workers building on it. In the "Footprints Editor" I have tried Define Sets and checking the No Build-option, but there seems to be a bug in that choosing Set One for the placement layers does not apply - the next time I enter the editor it says Set: (None)
EDIT: Oddly enough, the No Build-option does have an effect within the editor, but not in the game.
Anybody know a solution? :) (besides the boring one of painting with the No Building pathing brush)
StragusMapster was right, on his first statement, nonetheless :) I made a function PointGetAbsoluteHeight() that returns the sum of the relative height (of a 3D Point or a unit placed with the editor) PointGetHight() and the height of the terrain underneath WorldHeight().
However, when dealing with points for the Actor Message libNtve_gf_SetPosition() (and vectors in general) I simply use the PointGetHeight() for the Z coordinate, since that function does indeed position actors according to "absolute space".
I'm playing around with some 3D points and "vectors" in order to make simple animations with Actors using the Actor - Send message "SetPosition X Y Z" to actor (Actor for Mineral Cart [x, y])
In galaxy code, I want to define the next point (lv_p) along a set path and put the actor there: ActorSend(ActorFromDoodad(DoodadFromId(649)), libNtve_gf_SetPosition(PointGetX(lv_p), PointGetY(lv_p), PointGetZ(lv_p)));
But as it turns out, there is no standard function called PointGetZ()! The closest thing is PointGetHeight(), but this is relative to the terrain, and not very usefull for defining absolute points in space. Am I missing something basic here, or can somebody point me to a nice workaround?