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    posted a message on Model Replacement Issue

    Ah, I see. Thank you for your assistance.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Model Replacement Issue

    Hello I'm new here, both to this forum and modding.

    To start off, I would like to apologize if my post is in the wrong area.
    If it is, I hope that a mod could do me a favor by relocating it to the correct section.

    Well, let me give you an overview of my dilemma...

    I'm attempting to create a new unit in-game via the addition of objects into the follow fields: "Units" "Actors" "Buttons" and "Abilities".

    My dependencies are checked for the following modules: "Liberty (Mod)" "Liberty Multi (Mod)" "Liberty (Campaign)" and "Liberty Story (Campaign)"


    Here is my "Units" object.


    My "Actors" object.


    The right of the "Actors" column


    Well, my issue here is, under the "Model" "Model (Build)" and "Model (Placement)", I can't seem to find any traces of the "SM - Hyperion Exterior" set file.

    Can anyone provide me with insight into this matter? Any help at all would be appreciated.

    On a side note, I'm attempting to implement an in-game battlecruiser with the cutscene variant, just like the one in this video:

    Thank you.

    Posted in: Data
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