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    posted a message on Re-check all triggers?

    @Ahli634: Go

    Wont exactly help since we wont know what region they are in when they run out of the movement variable, is there a way to remove and then place units directly back on a region without knowing the specific region?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Re-check all triggers?

    Wondering if it is possible to re check a trigger for its events at a certain event. we have our players using a movement variable and everytime they enter a region it reduces this movement variable and then moves them on to the next region, where eventually they stop. later however they get a new movement variable. but our problem is that we are using "unit enters region" as our trigger, so now we have new conditions but the event insnt being run because our unit is still in the region. is there any way to re check? Thanks for any info!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Multiple Terrain on one map?

    @ScorpSCII: Go

    Well i know how to move the camera i was talking more about the mini map, is it possible using those two things to move to an area and then resize the minimap so that the minimap can be used in the minigame and then change back when moving to the main event

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Multiple Terrain on one map?

    Me and a friend are making a custom game and wondering if anyone knows a way to have multiple maps in a map, our game is a minigame style where you are at the "home map" and go to other areas to do mini games but we are wondering how this is accomplished, would it simply be a really big map, and only show regions that you are at using fog of war? or is there a way to change "scenes" if you will and then go back. any info would be awesome!

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Question about dialog trigger

    Oh okay sweet. so would the logic go something like this. you make your variable button a and button b. then

    Create dialog

    Create button left

    Set buttonA to (lastcreated dialog)

    Create button right

    Set buttonB to (lastcreated dialog)

    Then in a new trigger

    Event ButtonA has been clicked, => do whatever you want

    and in a Third new trigger

    Event button B has been clicked => do whatever you want

    Is this correct?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Question about dialog trigger

    So me and my friend are making a custom game, and at several different parts players come to a crossroads and we have a dialog come up and ask the player if they want to go left or right, but we are running into some problems, normally for other dialogs we use (Last Created Dialog) has been clicked as the event and then do the next step but we cannot do that since in the dialog there are 2 buttons, left and right, So does anyone know of a way to have a dialog box with 2 dialog buttons or (items) and then based on that do actions X or actions Y. We have been scouring the internet and watching video tutorials and have came up blank, any help would be awesome!

    Posted in: Triggers
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