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    posted a message on Catalog Field Value Set Variable Type


    I am using the CatalogFieldValueSet function to change a data value within a table, but the value is not being passed through. I am able to retrieve that data using CatalogFieldValueGet. Example -

    Assume that Ability PsiStorm is set up for auto-cast (e.g. appropriate auto cast range, filters, validators, etc). I turn the flag off in the data editor, so that prior to this trigger, auto-cast cannot be used.

        Local Variables
            sAC = "" <String>
            tAC = No Text <Text>
            Variable - Set sAC = (Value of Abilities "PsiStorm" "Flags[AutoCast]" for player (Triggering player))
            Variable - Set tAC = (Game text for sAC)
            UI - Display tAC for (All players) to Subtitle area
            Catalog - Set value of Abilities "PsiStorm" "Flags[AutoCast]" for player (Triggering player) to "1"
            Variable - Set sAC = (Value of Abilities "PsiStorm" "Flags[AutoCast]" for player (Triggering player))
            Variable - Set tAC = (Game text for sAC)
            UI - Display tAC for (All players) to Subtitle area

    (I removed the stuff in Events/Conditions to shorten this; assume that it is trigger-able once at a time in a controlled fashion)

    When this trigger executes, it prints out to the screen -


    I believe there is a problem with how I am passing in the variable to the set function, "1". I played around with other data types and conversion functions but to no avail. Any thoughts?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trigger Challenge: Structure Visibility

    Thanks that's an approach that I tried as well, but it does cause considerable "structure flicker" for player 2 and player 3's perspective. If only we could Hide a Unit for a specific Player :(

    Perhaps this?

    Posted in: Triggers
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