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    posted a message on [UMS] - Spacecraft -

    What is Spacecraft ?

    Spacecraft is a unique real-time strategy game that is focus on the action.

    In Spacecraft each player starts by selecting one Mothership among several ones, each Mothership is unique and has it own ways to play. Your goal is to create a fleet and destroy your opponent(s) Mothership(s).

    Spacecraft is playable in 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3. The game is dynamic, fun and challenging, you can use diverse strategies and tactics, alone and as a team to defeat your opponent(s).

    Current State

    The map is in beta and is released in EU for now.

    New stuff will come out as time goes on, like new Motherships, additional features, website and forums etc.

    Have a look on the arcade

    You can find the game by typing spacecraft on the arcade research bar or by browsing the strategy genre.

    Here are some screenshots of the game : http://imgur.com/a/UXuVw








    If your are interested, please have a look and try it out !

    If you like the game, rate it and leave a comment. You can also bookmark and suggest it.

    Join the game's channel to find other people to play with, I will be there as well to discuss and play games. My in-game name and code are June 274. You can add me to play some games or ask me some questions.

    I hope you will try the game and enjoy it !

    Thank you.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Help with victory and defeat conditions

    Yeah thank you again ;)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Help with victory and defeat conditions

    I follow what you say Terhonator and I finally succeed to make it work. I think all is done correctly. Thx terhonator for your explanation and your test map it helped me a lot.

    Thank you Monictor to also try to help me (to specify each player can control more than 1 unit).

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Help with victory and defeat conditions

    @Terhonator: Go

    Thank you for your time, yeah I am not really good with triggers but I already play around with them a little bit, I am not a complete newbie ;)

    I try your idea, first I create 2 variables, one for each team (integer, value 0) and I create for both team a trigger to be equal to the number of players in the team to function in all 3 modes (1v1, 2v2, 3v3) the trigger looks like this for team 1 :

    • Events : map creating
    • Actions : if number of players in team 1 = 1 then define variable team 1 = 1
    • if number of players in team 1 = 2 then define variable team 1 = 2
    • if number of players in team 1 = 3 then define variable team 1 = 3

    the 2nd trigger for team 1 looks like this :

    • Events : any unit dies
    • Conditions : Or and I put each special triggering unit
    • Actions : if owner of triggering unit equal owner of triggering unit in team 1 (dont know if work) then variable modify team 1 : -1
    • if team 1 variable = 0 then pick each player in team 1 and do end game in defeat for players picked then pick each player in team 2 and do end game in victory for players picked

    That didnt work. I dont know which part is good, could you tell me where are the mistakes? (I also need to add events if players leaves the game but for now I want to finish this)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Help with victory and defeat conditions

    I need some help with victory and defeat conditions in my map. My map is playable in 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3 and at the start each player chose one special unit (with massive attribut) in a dialog. What I want is when all specials units of a team are destroyed, the team loses and the other team wins. So if the game is played in 3v3, each player of a team must lose their special unit to lose the game (In 3v3 if only two player, in the same team, lose their special unit the game still continues until the third player of that team lose his special unit or the other team lose all their specials units).

    I try multiple times but I cant find something that work. The last trigger I try was something like this, if their is no units with massive condition on the map for team 1, each player in team 1 is defeated and each player in team 2 win and if their is no units with massive condition on the map for team 2, each player in team 2 is defeated and each player in team 1 win.

    How should I do this guys? Anyone as an idea and can help me out?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Units Selection

    @BasharTeg: Go

    Okay, for the first loop, I only need one variable unit group empty with array, right? I think I do all correctly except for the squadunit thing, I dont understand, instead I put units created here but it doesnt work. Also, for pick each integer there is no increment, however there is increment for each integer, action. You sure that I use the right action or it was just a mistake?

    For checking the unit selection, the problem is not only with one unit, it can happened with more than one too. I cant take a value for number of units selected by player. Is there another way or am I doing something wrong? And I dont understand Get Squad ID? How can I do that, I cant find add picked unit to selection.

    Sorry but it is really complicated for me. Its harder to not have the right name, I am not very good using the editor plus mine is in french so that doesnt help. Maybe if you have time you could test your ideas, copy your code for me if it work? That may be faster or just tell me whats wrong if it is simple. In any case really appreciate your help.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Units Selection

    BasharTeg can you detailed what I need to do? Or somebody else can help me with loops and the selection pb?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Units Selection

    @BasharTeg: Go

    Ok I knew it was something to do with arrays and loops but I am not really good at this.

    I know how to make the variable an array but I have some troubles with loops can you detailed more on how to do this with triggers?

    For the selction, I try what you said and it didnt work. I noticed that it also happened when I select one unit in the UI panel (when all selected)

    I think the problem cant be solved like this. I cant find a way to do this, have you another idea?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Units Selection

    @BasharTeg: Go

    Thx for the reply,

    Yea about the unit group, that what I was thinking off, I started this way creating a unit group for my squad when created and then when I select a unit inside the squad, it select the squad. thx for the condition I forgot about that.

    But now there are some problems. The first one is that every units created are added to the same group. I want each squad added to their own group. How can I do that effectively?

    The second one is when I select one unit, it select the all group as planed but when I select it again (when all units selected) it select only the one unit. How can I deal with that?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Units Selection

    Hi everyone,

    I have a couple game mechanic that I want to implement in my map and I am having trouble with them. I think it's pretty complicated, so I need some help.

    I will begin with the first one on this post. Okay so, I have a unit (created with dialogue at the biginning of the map) that can use an ability to create multiple units at once. Right now (still work in progress) it create 4 units and then I have an upgrad that can increase this number (3 times, going up to 10 units).

    What I want to do is to be always controlling the units created as one, like a group. What i mean is if I select one of the unit created, I select the others with it, so they are always together, moving, attacking etc... I cant use one individually, unless the others dies of course.

    For example, I use my ability and create my 4 units, If I select one of them, I select the 3 other with it, so I am only able to use them as a group, I cant send one in a direction and 1 in another. I want this everytime I use my ability for every group of units created.

    Is there a way to do this properly? Even not with triggers? Will there be problems? Like with selection? deselection? With drag, selection box? With control group?

    Posted in: Triggers
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