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    posted a message on Displaying Charges on a behaviour ability

    I'm trying to give charges to a passive ability and have the charges display on the command card, but I'm having no luck.

    Is it possible to display charges on the command card for either a passive button linked to a behaviour, or for a behaviour ability?

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    posted a message on Attachment Points on "Medic Kill Team"

    hmm, wierd.

    fixed by changing the missle attach to AMPatternMaurauder (from weapon), and the shield attach "radius target" to > 0.

    So does anyone know why they didnt work before? (with a launch attatchment 'weapon', and shield attachment with 'radius target' = 0?)

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    posted a message on Attachment Points on "Medic Kill Team"

    have you got a shield working for the model? or set it up with a ranged attack that attatches properly?

    cause I just need to swap models and the regular medic works, but the kill squad doesnt (without changing any values - and i dont use target01)

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    posted a message on Attachment Points on "Medic Kill Team"

    (for those of you that care, this will be similar to my archon warp model thread)

    (also, all references to "model" in this post will be to the physical model that a "model data type" uses - *not* the model data type that Actors and such use)

    (and yes, I realised after I posted this that the model is actually called "medic kill squad" -_- )

    So I'm using the Medic Kill Squad model in my map as a combat unit (because im already using the basic medic), and I've added shields and an attack. Everything is working fine, except the attachment points. The shield attachment on the model doesnt work (yes, i've read *that* thread), and the missile launch attachment doesnt work either - it fires from the center. Now, if i change it to the normal medic mode, everything works fine. The shield works, shows, and stops attacks like it should, and the missile launches from the arm like its supposed to.

    Is there anything I can do about the Medic Kill Squad model? or will I be stuck with faulty attachment points

    just by the way, the overhead attachment works, and I have to assume that the origin does as well (i've successfully attached effects to both points)

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    posted a message on Refunding Buildings killed during construction

    can the Modify Player effect refund a percent of the buffed unit? cause I don't wanna create a seperate effect for each building that needs to be refunded

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    posted a message on Refunding Buildings killed during construction


    Figured it out (mix of data and triggers):

    Make an effect:
    any effect that will be picked up by a 'unit uses effect' event (i used a create persistant)

    Make a behaviour:
    with a Removal Validator - Is Constructing
    duration - 0
    Make the Effect - Final to the above created effect

    Make a trigger
    event - unit uses effect
    condition - unit is alive == false
    action - increases *resource* of owning player by *resource* cost of unit type of triggering effect unit

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    posted a message on Shields on non-standard models


    EDIT: @Kueken531: Hmm... I did some actual looking and I actually found the 'basline animations' field.. go me. and the unit has a suicide attack, I don't think ill have to worry about changing the attack event animation :P

    So this is fixed then! i've got it looking like what I want it to! It looks better with the archon work animation anyway >.>

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    posted a message on Shields on non-standard models

    umm, lets see:

    @Snekkel(1): The impact animations always play on the model, so the shield attatchments jsut arent working. They arent really huge.

    @bone123: I've tried that, sorry D:

    @Kueken531: TBH, I havnt tried fiddling with that at all. (I got to, actor creation, play animation - it didnt work) So what do I need to do in relation to actor events?

    @snekkel(2): I think(?) im using the default protoss shields. Like I said, i changed the model back to a baneling, and the shields work fine. But when i changed the model (maby i'm not being clear here, considering theres a data type called model... I mean the actual model, not the model type - I kept the same model but changed what model it uses... if that makes any sense) to the Archon Warp, the shields no longer worked (any damage animation impacted the unit itself, not the shields, and not where the shields are supposed to be)

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    posted a message on Shields on non-standard models

    ive put the shield radius to 5. ill try something absolutely huge

    EDIT: ya no. I tried having 100 shield radius. still nothing. I think the attatchment points on that model dont work or something

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    posted a message on Shields on non-standard models

    So I've read *that* thread, and I know how to add shields to non-protoss models, and it works. Except.

    I've created a custom unit (based on the baneling) that I want to have shields. It uses the Archon Warp model (the in-progress animation played when templars are merging). I set up shield animations for the unit, and it doesnt work, so I changed the unit's model back to a baneling, and then the shield animations started working.

    So whats wrong with the Archon Warp model that doesnt allow shield attatchments, and can I fix it?

    (it does have 3 attachment points, according to the model previewer, but they arent working, as I've tried both origin and center and neither work)

    EDIT: or alternitavely, if anyone would be able to tell me how to make a regular Archon model play the "Work" animation *all the time*, that would work too.

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    posted a message on Refunding Buildings killed during construction

    I didn't know where to put this, in triggers or data, so I put it here. Sorry D:

    Is it possible to refund a building's cost if its killed during construction? If so, how do I go about doing that? I know the "is unit under construction" condition doesnt work on dead units, so I can't use that here.

    Help would be appriciated : )

    Posted in: Data
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