• 3.38344368435792

    posted a message on Issue With Tyrael's Heroes of the Storm Model

    I'm sure someone can help me with this, but I can only hope that that someone happens to read this thread.

    Just recently I acquired the means and know-how to begin extracting models from Blizzard's other games. Naturally opting for Heroes of the Storm (Since it uses the same engine), I decided to extract the obviously most badass of all Blizzard characters, Tyrael.

    Upon doing so however I reached a unique problem;

    All of Tyrael's models (Except for the Ghost model and obviously the Seraphim model) have their wing animations borked, from what I can tell. The wing vanishes at the end of each animation cycle, and then reappears at the beginning, creating a noticeable segregation for each cycle. It is to me a glaring issue and I would like to see it remedied. The Tyrael ghost model for some reason does not have the issue, and the Seraphim model of course does not because it uses a different type of wing entirely.

    Thus, my query is two-fold:

    1: Is it firstly possible that I have somehow fudged the extraction process (That is to say, has anyone else experienced this same issue with the Heroes of the Storm Tyrael model) - Resolution on this end would be the most favourable, and if this problem is just due to my own ineptitude in acquiring the .m3 file I would be overjoyed.

    2: Is there a way to shave off parts of a unit's animation for a specific cycle from within the Starcraft editor, or would I need to use a third party editor? (In this case I'd like to remove a bit from the beginning and the end to see if this resolves the issue).

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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