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    posted a message on Redemption Arena: Looking for a triggers expert

    Hi everybody ! We actually need some people to complete the team Raven !

    Team Raven

    This francophone team was founded in may 2011 by Ecko and me (DrMario). Our motivation is to make an original mod for Starcraft 2. A lot of things are already done but we have most difficults for somes things like abilities or triggers.

    About Redemption Arena

    Project advancement:
    -Theory: 100% (Heroes, Objects, Abilities: 100%, Pré-alpha balance: 100%)
    -Map: 90% (Design: 90%, Placement: 90%)
    -Database: 90% (Heroes: 100%, Objects: 90%, Abilities: 80%)
    -Triggers: 20% (Gameplay: 30%, Abilities: 20% Multiplayer: 0%)

    1 - The Mod

    We are currently in progress of developing a new map based on a Capture The Flag Mod. There are two teams (Red Wrym and Blue Shark) and the goal for each team is to capture the enemy flag and to return to the base to have a point. The first teams who reach 5 points win.

    The players can choose their avatars among nine heroes (three by race). Each hero has a unique model.

    (The translation will come soon)


    2 -The abilities

    You begin the game with some minerals and vespene gaz. With these resources you can buy abilities. There are two types of abilities, with minerals you can buy Offensive abilities and with Vespene you can buy Defensive abilities. There are 8 abilities specific to each races. Except the income, you have a minerals bonus when you kill an enemy teammates and a Vespene bonus when you are killed.

    3- The ultimate

    It is a personal abilities linked at each hero. There is a cooldown for this powerful attack. When a players use this specific abilities there is a message send to all people who played.

    Presentation of Talarion, the zealot hero and his ultimate:

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/76BvHuS3x0A?fs=1

    4- The objects

    As the abilities there are two types of objects: Offensive and Defensive. You can have a maximum of 6 different objects in your inventory. But also there is a three tiers. For exemple, when you have an offensive object tier 1 you can upgrade to offensive object tier 2 with minerals.

    With resources you can buy = Tier 1 object
    With resources and object Tier 1 you can upgrade to object Tier 2
    With resources and object Tier 2 you can upgrade to object Tier 3

    Objects list (in french).


    What we are looking for…

    1 – Internet Triggers and general triggers ====

    We need an interface for the hero selection. We have done the environment but interface missing.
    Internet triggers like income or the distribution of the players in each teams.
    We have more difficult to finish the capture the flag system

    2- Data editor

    -There are some abilities to finish
    -Some ultimate are incomplete.

    For contact us

    Send me a mail: here
    Send me a PM
    Add me IG: #545 (Europe)

    Other links

    The blog (in french).
    Part of the Database.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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