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    posted a message on Very Difficult: Control Zones

    @Pshyched: Go

    The issue is how do I detect when the health is at 100%?

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    posted a message on Very Difficult: Control Zones

    @Providence932: Go

    Been trying to figure out how to change the owner of a point after the life has regenerated to 100. Really stuck with this final part? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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    posted a message on Very Difficult: Control Zones

    @Providence932: Go

    Would I have to attach a data editor made health regeneration behavior to this object in order to get it to regenerate properly?

    Edit: Nevermind, I've found it. For anyone else looking it's under unit property (set) -Life regeneration

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    posted a message on Very Difficult: Control Zones

    @Pshyched: Go I was thinking about that. I can use the actual control point unit and just give it 100 units of health or so and then apply that regeneration of 1 hp per sec.

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    posted a message on Very Difficult: Control Zones

    Excellent! That's solved the issue and cut down the amount of triggers I would probably have to write by about 100. Now I just have to figure out how to enable the required boss bars for capping, time the capture and allow capture to be halted when the conditions are no longer met for capturing a control point. Thanks for your help.

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    posted a message on Very Difficult: Control Zones

    @Pshyched: Go

    Any unit enters any region isn't one of the options for region in my trigger editor. Either that or I just have a bad version.

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    posted a message on Very Difficult: Control Zones

    I was afraid of something like that. This is going to be more difficult than I thought since each zone will have to have it's own trigger.

    The issue is that multiple players could be fighting for a zone at once and multiple zones could all be being fought over at once.

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    posted a message on Very Difficult: Control Zones
    Hello. I'm working on a 12 player map that revolves around the control of resources spread around control zones. There are 42 control zones spread around the map and each control zone is to be secured in a battlefield flag style. The more units a player has around a control zone then the harder it will be to take it from him. If a player has more units than another player then he will capture the control zone from the owning player. Consequently, if two players are on a control zone that they do not own, the player with more units will be the one to begin to capture the control zone. I would like to be able to put a delay that waits for a few seconds before capturing, however making this suitable for 12 players able to capture many control points at once is becoming very difficult. I have currently created a test trigger to start off with only a few control points between a few players. However, I'm already running into issues with generating the appropriate boss bars and then counting them down then stopping the countdown if the condition that the capturing player has the most units within the control zone. This issue has been driving me insane for the day ages and I would really appreciate some help.
    Unit Enters
            Unit - Any Unit Enters (Triggering region)
        Local Variables
                    (Owner of Control Point Minor [23.75, 222.91]) != (Owner of (Triggering unit))
                            (Triggering region) == Forest nWe control
                            (Triggering region) == foresrt sEe control
                            (Triggering region) == Forest Center Control
                            (Triggering region) == Forest N control
                            (Triggering region) == Forest NE control
                            (Triggering region) == Forest nW Control
                            (Triggering region) == Forest SE control
                            (Triggering region) == Forest Sw control
            Unit Group - Add (Triggering unit) to Units To Convert
            Variable - Set Number of Units = (Number of Living units in Units To Convert)
            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                    (Abs(Number of Units)) > (Number of Living units in (Units in (Triggering region) having alliance Enemy with player (Owner of (Triggering unit)) matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount))
                    General - While (Conditions) are true, do (Actions)
            Unit Group - Remove (Triggering unit) from Units To Convert
            Variable - Set Units To Convert = 0
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Making presence of another building required for placement

    @Chiquihuite: Go

    Brilliant. Thank you very much I will try this right now.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making presence of another building required for placement

    I get an error message that says "Vespene Geyser required for placement" whenever I try and construct one of these structures. It also just flat out doesn't allow me to build my structure on top of my beacon.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making presence of another building required for placement

    Well I'm using a new structure based off of the terran beacon owned by the neutral player. For whatever reason I still am unable to actually place the building on top of this beacon even though the behavior is set to "built on." Is there something that i'm still missing?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making presence of another building required for placement

    Hello from New York

    I'm trying to create control points and have players build a specific structure on them. I would like to have this control point be owned by a player and have another building be placed on top of it similar to a Gas Geyser. I know that gas geysers aren't owned but that's got to be one of the requirements as well. Is there a specific place where this requirement is found?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Check Player in Player group

    Hello from New York State. I've been having an issue where I need to check if a player is part of a player group before an action is done.

    Events -Player presses a button

    Actions Camera Zoom for (triggering Player) over 1 second Wait for 1 second Wait for Conditions every 1 seconds (Number of Players in Group PlayerMovingCamera) Add TriggeringPlayer to PlayerGroup Player Moving Camera Set CameraBounds for (Copy of PlayerMovingcamera) Remove Player from Group (Player Moving Camera) Add Player to Playergroup 2

    Zoom To Space Test
            UI - Player Any Player presses Num Pad 8 key Down with shift Allow, control Allow, alt Require
      Local Variables
            Camera - Zoom camera for player (Triggering player) at (Current camera target of player (Triggering player)) from ((Real(Default Camera Distance)) + 0.0) to 150.0 over 1.0 seconds
            General - Wait 1.0 Real Time seconds
            General - Wait for (Conditions), checking every 1.0 Real Time seconds
                    (Number of players in PlayerMovingCamera) == 0
            Player Group - Add player (Triggering player) to PlayerMovingCamera
            Camera - Set the camera bounds for (Copy of PlayerMovingCamera) to SPACE (Do adjust the minimap)
            Camera - Zoom camera for player (Triggering player) at (Current camera target of player (Triggering player)) from ((Real(Default Camera Distance)) + -25.0) to Default Camera Distance over 1.0 seconds
            Player Group - Remove player (Triggering player) from PlayerMovingCamera
            Player Group - Add player (Triggering player) to PlayersInSpace

    This is the current issue. I need to have the game check to see if the player is in playergroup2 before initiating the action. This is because I do not want this trigger to be accessible to players that have already used it. It zooms the player out a distance and then resets their camera to some place else. They would have to do another trigger to have their camera bounds set back to where they would be able to use this trigger again. I have attempted to use If, Then, Else statements in order to try and check but none of the options seem to be exactly what I need.

    TL;DR I need a way to check if a player is a part of a player group either in the events section or in the actions before any of the actions are done.

    Posted in: Triggers
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