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    posted a message on Strafe (Interceptor) style weapon front fire

    I've been trying to force an air unit using a strafe weapon to fire at targets only in the front. I've reduced the "ARC" to 0 but the unit still overshoots his target and shoots behind. Also, is there a method to force flying units to turn around in a circle rather than on a point?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on If order target point is within region.

    Gosh I feel silly over that. Thank you very much for this bit, I spent way too much time over it.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on If order target point is within region.

    Silly question here

    Trying to figure out how to have a trigger first determine if an order is place within any point in a region.

    Trigger should perform

    Events A unit is issued an order Actions If the order is within specific region perform actions


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Custom Resource Errors

    Yeah, the unit's got it's own Resource Behavior as well.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Custom Resource Errors

    I've made a new validator for this and now there's no requirement for "Don't have command center"

    I've gone and removed that value in my new Validator and the extractor still refuses to pump.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Custom Resource Errors

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Behavior - Built on, is working correctly. The unit MUST be placed on the specific unit as specified.

    Resource State for the actual deposit is on RAW Resource State for the Harvester is UNKNOWN Resource Type field is terrazine for the deposit and the extractor.

    I'm also pretty sure that I've removed all the campaign requirements across the board for the buffs on all the units.

    I do have a resource dropoff building placed close to the refinery. It's not a command center but it does have the "Resource Dropoff - Terrazine" checkbox checked.

    Edit: Just looked over the actor and made sure that everything is lined up as it should be. The automated refinery's lights work and everything and it even shows that it has resources. The only issues is that they never pump any resources out of the deposit.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Custom Resource Errors

    I'm trying to utilize terrazine by making a new automatic refinery and new effects that point to terrazine. I've created a new resource structure that has terrazine as it's resource rather than minerals. This new effect points to harvest terrazine rather than vespene gas. However, I can't get the structure to actually pump terrazine. Whenever I build it it just sits there and doesn't pump. I've created duplicated the units automatic refinery and all of the effects while I've changed their harvesting effects. Any ideas on why this might not be working?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Leaderboard Woes

    @Ahli634: Go

    Alright. Dialog it is then.

    Thanks a lot guys.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Leaderboard Woes

    @nevjmac: Go

    I picked the integer from 1 to 12 so that i can easily grab data from the variables storing information that the leaderboard displays. I have things like income, worker count, control zone count and they're all stored in arrays. Each of the indexes of the arrays corresponds to a different player 1-12. So Leaderboard[6] should display information from player [6] which should be picked by the integer.

    The problem with creating one leaderboard is that I don't know how I'm gonna show each player their own leaderboard which is hidden from all other players. If I only have one board I can't show it specifically. I was sure that the lines

    Leaderboard - Hide all leaderboards for (All players)

    And Leaderboard - Turn Leaderboards[(Picked integer)] minimize button On for Picked Player Leaderboard - Show Leaderboards[(Picked integer)] minimize button for Picked Player Leaderboard - Enable Showing state for Leaderboards[(Picked integer)] for Picked Player

    Would focus in on only one board per player.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Leaderboard Woes

    So I've been trying to do funky things with leaderboards. I'm, trying to make an independent leaderboard for each player that displays to him his own stats.

    Leaderboard Initialization
            Game - Map initialization
        Local Variables
            Picked Int = 0 <Integer>
            Picked Player = (Empty player group) <Player Group>
            General - Pick each integer from 1 to 12, and do (Actions)
                    Variable - Set Picked Int = (Picked integer)
                    Variable - Set Picked Player = (Player group((Picked integer)))
                    Variable - Set Picked Int = (Picked integer)
                    Variable - Set Picked Player = (Player group(Picked Int))
                    ------- Row 1
                    Leaderboard - Create a leaderboard with 6 columns and 4 rows, with the name "Empire Statistics", and using (100%, 100%, 100%) color.
                    Variable - Set Leaderboards[(Picked integer)] = (Last created leaderboard)
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 1 and row 1 to "Empire:"
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 2 and row 1 to (Name of player (Picked integer))
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 3 and row 1 to "Ruler:"
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 4 and row 1 to (Name of player (Picked integer))
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 5 and row 1 to "Homeworld:"
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 6 and row 1 to (Name of player (Picked integer))
                    ------- Row 2
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 1 and row 2 to "Zones:"
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 2 and row 2 to (Text(((Number of Living units in Major Zones[(Picked integer)]) + (Number of Living units in Minor Zones[(Picked integer)]))))
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 3 and row 2 to "Major:"
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 4 and row 2 to (Text((Number of Living units in Major Zones[(Picked integer)])))
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 5 and row 2 to "Minor:"
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 6 and row 2 to (Text((Number of Living units in Minor Zones[(Picked integer)])))
                    ------- Row 3
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 1 and row 3 to "Infra:"
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 2 and row 3 to (Text((Number of Living units in Infrastructure[(Picked integer)])))
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 3 and row 3 to "Refineries:"
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 4 and row 3 to (Text((Number of Living units in Infrastructure[(Picked integer)])))
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 5 and row 3 to "Extractors:"
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 6 and row 3 to (Text((Number of Living units in Infrastructure[(Picked integer)])))
                    ------- Row 3
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 1 and row 4 to "Income:"
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 2 and row 4 to (Text(Incomes[(Picked integer)]))
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 3 and row 4 to "Army:"
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 4 and row 4 to (Text((Number of Living units in Army Value[(Picked integer)])))
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 5 and row 4 to "Workers:"
                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 6 and row 4 to (Text((Number of Living units in Workers[(Picked integer)])))
                    ------- Display Board
                    Leaderboard - Hide all leaderboards for (All players)
                    Leaderboard - Turn Leaderboards[(Picked integer)] minimize button On for Picked Player
                    Leaderboard - Show Leaderboards[(Picked integer)] minimize button for Picked Player
                    Leaderboard - Enable Showing state for Leaderboards[(Picked integer)] for Picked Player
                    ------- Still not enough Farms to make any units. Construct over 9000 additional Taiwanese farms to produce additional units.


    Refresh Leaderboard
            Timer - Every 5.0 seconds of Real Time
        Local Variables
            General - Pick each integer from 1 to 12, and do (Actions)
                    Variable - Set Infrastructure[(Picked integer)] = (Population Housing units in (Entire map) owned by player (Picked integer) matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount)
                    Variable - Set Major Zones[(Picked integer)] = (Control Point Major (Terran Small) units in (Entire map) owned by player (Picked integer) matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount)
                    Variable - Set Minor Zones[(Picked integer)] = (Control Point Minor (Terran Small) units in (Entire map) owned by player (Picked integer) matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount)
                    Variable - Set Refineries[(Picked integer)] = (Refinery units in (Entire map) owned by player (Picked integer) matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount)
                    Variable - Set Extractors[(Picked integer)] = (Refinery units in (Entire map) owned by player (Picked integer) matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount)
                    Variable - Set Army Value[(Picked integer)] = (Refinery units in (Entire map) owned by player (Picked integer) matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount)
                    Variable - Set Workers[(Picked integer)] = (Military Industrial Engineer units in (Entire map) owned by player (Picked integer) matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount)

    This strangely generates 12 leaderboards for every player which totally clutters the screen. I want to make one player have his own leader board which tracks only his own stats.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Pylon Power Chain

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Thank you. My error was with Behavior - Power Link. I had to set those correctly for everything to work as it should. Thanks for your help once again. I was stuck with that forever.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Pylon Power Chain

    I'm creating a control-zone based map where players will have to capture control zones that are a power source. This power source will allow them to construct a building that is also a power source for a final building which is not a power source. I'm having some difficulty in generating power. The behaviors attach properly but there is no animation and whenever I try and place the buildings in the power field it acts as if they are not there. Could anyone give me some help with this?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Resource Implementation


    Thank you very much.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Resource Implementation

    The map I'm developing is to have several specific resources that must all be implemented properly.

    Minerals - Normal (Renamed) Vespine Gas - Normal Terrazine - Harvested by Automated Refinery Custom Resource - Periodic Income by number of a building

    I'm having some difficulty in implementing the Terrazine gas deposits. I need it to be like a mineral field, using the rich model that you build an automated refinery over. This refinery should pump terrazine. Is this possible?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Very Difficult: Control Zones

    Issue is now that the trigger is not firing. I've cleaned it up as best I could. Is this the fact that I'm running it as a test player rather than online? Here's the trigger so far.

    Unit Enters
            Unit - Any Unit Enters (Region(Any Region))
            Unit - Any Unit Leaves (Region(Any Region))
        Local Variables
            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                    (Triggering region) == Forest nWe control
                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                            (Owner of Control Point Minor [24.16, 222.87]) != (Owner of (Triggering unit))
                            (Abs((Number of Living units in (Any units in (Triggering region) owned by player (Owner of (Triggering unit)) matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount)))) > (Number of Living units in (Units in (Triggering region) having alliance Enemy with player (Owner of (Triggering unit)) matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount))
                            Player Group - Add player (Owner of (Triggering unit)) to Capturing Player
                            Player Group - Add player (Owner of Control Point Minor [24.16, 222.87]) to Capturing Player
                            UI - Display boss bar (# of Boss Bars + 1) with title "Capturing: Forest North West Expans...", portrait Assets\Textures\ui_chatbaricons_terran_individual.dds and maximum value 100 for Capturing Player
                            UI - Set boss bar (# of Boss Bars + 1) boss to Control Point Minor [24.16, 222.87] (Do refresh the boss bar)
                            Ping - Ping the minimap at FOREST SE Expansion for Capturing Player over 2.0 seconds, using the color (100%, 0%, 0%)
                            Unit - Set Control Point Minor [24.16, 222.87] Life Regeneration Rate to 1.0
                            Unit - Set Control Point Minor [24.16, 222.87] Life to 1.0
                    Player Group - Reset Capturing Player to have no players

    trigger won't fire, period. Can't figure out what the error is.

    Posted in: Triggers
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