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    @Kanitala: Go

    We aren't really, but we want the vulture to be a fair trade-off vs the Hellbat.

    The Hellion has speed and a long thin flame, allowing it to cut through bioballs. The Hellbat mode drops the speed and range for more health and a wider flame, allowing it to tank against zealots or zerglings, and making it more combat effective.

    The Vulture however lacks in power, perhaps we allow it to rebuild the spider-mines, give it splash damage, and a speed increase?

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    @SoulFilcher: Go

    Well, we know that the BattleVulture is out of the question due to lack of modeling skills among everyone here.

    What about giving the Vulture splash damage/more damage, and the ability to scale cliffs?

    Im running out of ideas D:

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    posted a message on *SPOILER ALERT* HoTS Achievement Icons

    @Eimtr: Go

    I am pretty sure he is revealing his alliances with the Hybrids in HoTS, supposedly there is a


    When working with Stukov you have to fight Hybrids.

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    @nolanstar: Go

    Didn't know that, we could probably apply something similar to the vulture model anyways though, perhaps...

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    @Quirriff: Go

    Phoenixes don't have turrets either, instead they strafe.

    And we all know that anyone with enough skill using a hover vehicle can pull off strafing movements.

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    @FreezingAcidRain: Go

    Good point, the Vultures would overlap with the DIamondback's shoot on the move trait, however the Diamondback is anti-armored, while the Vulture is anti-light..... They might work, perhaps a test is in need? A couple matches testing the effectiveness of shoot-on-the-move Vultures?

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    @SoulFilcher: Go

    Another idea came to mind, what about giving the Vulture the ability to shoot on the move akin to the Phoenix? Turning it into a raider unit designed for kiting and harass.

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    I had an idea, why not allow the vulture to place 3 "Mine factories" which deploy around 3 spidermines randomly around themselves? To even things out a bit, the mines will die if the factory is destroyed. Something like that.

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    Maybe we could give the fulture grenades with splash damage? Or a buff to Spider-Mines?

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    Using guns it would have a decent AtG splash attack, with missiles it would either be an anti-armor/weak anti-air weapon, and with bombs it would be anti-deathball/anti-structure.

    It would be a decent all-round combat unit that only has the defect of doing poorly vs air, if you let it combat air at all.

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    I spent my own time researching on the Grizzly, and from what I can see... The Grizzly is essentially more of a gunship than a transport, capable of raising havoc on land forces with: machine guns, flak cannons, Manticore Missiles, and concussion bombs. It fills more of a role similarly to the banshee than to a dropship. It would probably be a slow-mediumish armored ship with air-to-ground splash damage attacks, anti-infantry oriented. Perhaps give it a toggle setup similarly to A.R.E.S.? where it can switch between guns/missiles/bombs? Or a bombing-run ability?

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    Was playing with some guys, and it seems the fatty's cocoon placement no longer works. It gives a "cant build there" error. EDIT: played yet another match as colonists, apparently rebels cannot attack the bar because its not a "ground" unit.

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    @FreezingAcidRain: Go

    I agree with the the maelstrom buff, maelstrom is a very useful ability that should have a large enough AoE to be useful. Corsairs didn't have splash damage in BW from what I recall, Corsairs should have a max of 200 energy, and the disruption web costing 125 energy. Wraiths are designed to combat Lighter craft, and are honestly very powerful vs. Zerg air. Stone Zealots should have more than just less range and more health, seeing as how they lack the ability to cliff-walk they should get some other trait

    On your ideas, Banelings are a bit too spammy being created from Zerglings already, I don't think we need ones that split as that concept creates massive damage compared to normal banelings. Marines building bunkers would be a little bit unfair don't you think? They could just march into the enemy base and have some build bunkers while the rest defend. Killing any unit as any race? I can think of many reasons this would be unfair. Imagine early game, when you kill an enemy scout while it's in your base, suddenly there is a creep tumor causing trouble. On the broodlord upgrade, that would be way too spammy, Broodlords are powerful as is. Again, we don't need so much creep spread. Maybe, perhaps a lategame tech upgrade or a brood specific one. Zerg don't really need that, perhaps a defensive brood could get it though.

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    Before I found SC Expanded, I had the idea of Terrans being able to pick at the beginning of the match two options, either Marauder/Hellion or Firebat/Vulture.

    This idea might fix the problems, I also once concepted something similar the the Hellbat for the Vulture, turning it into a Marauder of sorts but with heavier plating and stronger grenades.

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    @DEFILERRULEZ: Go I am working on a beginner's map, however I have been a bit too busy as of late to complete it. The map uses "Novice Blistering Sands" and both player's get a New Folsom Cannon in their starting base, just like in the other map I uploaded(Ruins of Tarsonis).

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