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    posted a message on [Dialog] How to change the look of dialogs

    Every image i try doesnt work, the only way i can change them is by selectiong the race of the player

    so im stuck with terran, zerg or protoss

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Dialog] How to change the look of dialogs

    I have afew dialogs and they all look like the boring Terran background i try using the... Dialog - Set the background image of Chat Dialog[0][0] to Assets\Textures\iconframe.dds ...Trigger but it just turns it all over the place. how do you make a nice smooth background to change the old Terran background?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [bank] making a log in system

    Wow im flattered Tekaichi! Yeah when I make a 100% working version ill post it for sure.

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    posted a message on [bank] making a log in system

    thanks soooooooo much!!!

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    posted a message on [bank] making a log in system

    My Login Button (this is the problem)

    Dialog - Any Dialog Item is used by Player Any Player with event type Clicked

    General - For each integer Player Loop from 1 to 14 with increment 1, do (Actions)


    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)


    (Triggering player) == Player Loop


    Variable - Set Number Loop = Player Loop

    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)


    (Used dialog item) == Login Items[Number Loop][7]


    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)


    Login Dialog String[Number Loop][1] == (Edit value of Login Items[Number Loop][4] for Number Loop) Login Dialog String[Number Loop][2] == (Edit value of Login Items[Number Loop][5] for Number Loop)


    UI - Display "Open " for (All players) to Cinematic area


    UI - Display "Closed" for (All players) to Cinematic area

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [bank] making a log in system

    My New Account Button

    Dialog - Any Dialog Item is used by Player Any Player with event type Clicked

    General - For each integer Player Loop from 1 to 14 with increment 1, do (Actions)

    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)


    (Triggering player) == Player Loop


    Variable - Set Number Loop = Player Loop

    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)


    (Used dialog item) == Login Items[Number Loop][8]


    Variable - Set Login Dialog String[Number Loop][1] = (Edit value of Login Items[Number Loop][4] for Number Loop)

    Variable - Set Login Dialog String[Number Loop][2] = (Edit value of Login Items[Number Loop][5] for Number Loop)

    Bank - Store string Login Dialog String[Number Loop][1] as "Username" of section "Login" in bank Testting bank[Number Loop]

    Bank - Store string Login Dialog String[Number Loop][2] as "Password" of section "Login" in bank Testting bank[Number Loop]

    Bank - Save bank Testting bank[Number Loop]



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    posted a message on [bank] making a log in system

    This is my Bank initialization

    Game - Map initialization

    General - For each integer Player Loop from 1 to 14 with increment 1, do (Actions)

    Bank - Open bank "Testing" for player Player Loop

    Variable - Set Testting bank[Player Loop] = (Last opened bank)

    Bank - Preload and synchronize bank "Testing" for player Player Loop

    Variable - Set Login Dialog String[Player Loop][1] = (Load key "Username" of section "Login" from bank Testting bank[Player Loop] as a String)

    Variable - Set Login Dialog String[Player Loop][2] = (Load key "Password" of section "Login" from bank Testting bank[Player Loop] as a String)

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    posted a message on [bank] making a log in system

    i have a dialog that has two edit box's one labelled Username the other Password, and when the “new account” button is clicked is saves the edit values of the two edit box’s get saved to a bank file, and once the map is reloaded they can type there username and password into the edit box and click the login button and it will gain them access or deny them if the fields are wrong.

    Everything works when I open the map create a new account and try the username and password, how ever when I reload the map it fails and wont read.

    I can paste the code in if anyone needs

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    posted a message on Choosing attributes when leveling

    Does anybody have any ideas?

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    posted a message on Choosing attributes when leveling

    Choosing attributes when levelling

    I would like to create a system that once you level you get 5 attribute points that you can choose to place in any of the 4 attributes (str,int,con,dex)

    I have made the attributes, the hero and the behaviours but I cant seem to get it to all work, i use a chat trigger that applies +1 strength to the hero each time I type “test” but never seems to work, iv tried charges of behaviours, iv tried buffs.

    Can anybody give me some insight on how to create this system please?

    Posted in: Triggers
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