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    posted a message on looking for a HUGE map

    Hi everyone, I'm currently searching for a huge melee map, as big as possible. However, I only want 4 player in it, playable as FFA or as 2V2 Does anyone have a map name?

    Thanks for helping :)

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on What do YOU want to see in a custom-made campaign?

    What I'm looking in a campaign.... Well, as you are making your campaign by using a map editor of an existing game, allowing to build/train new units/buildings that were in the game but we weren't able to build, or even completly new unit :) Also, storyline I love is where you play terrorist, but terrorist who are in the good-side, like WoL campaign and Hands of Humanity of Terhonator. About missions, mostly normal games asTerhonator said. Infiltration mission are also very good :) Like somes peoples said, communication between characters. Something I really love is to find a way to communicate with ennemy's boss and to feel he is scary because he begins to know you will win, even if he has a huge army :) Not choosing if you are on the good side or evil side is better, but, choosing what mission you will play when you want isn't a bad idea, it depends on how you will use this concept. In WoL, it wasn't bad, but Blizzard could do better. Terhonator, sorry but I'll take your campaign as exemple In Hands of Humanity, you could choose missions you want to play, when you want if there was a "map series" where you destroy base, one where where you steal military secret, one where you help civilians against zergs and minestar, etc.. Well, when you choose which mission you want to do when you want, they must all have the same goal, they shouldn't be like the tosh misson where the goal was to free his friends.

    I think that's all what I want in a campaign^^

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on [question] Looking for a campaign or a game

    Hello everyone I was wondering if anyone knows a campaign ( on sc2 or even a full game) that has the same concept of Hands of Humanity : Playing a rebel army paint as terrorists who want freedom for everyone. It must be an RTS, i don't like fps game. I really loved Wings of libertty and Hands of humanity, I'm looking for a similar campaign while waitting for heart of the swarm If you have any idea, thanks for replying

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on sc2 maps problem on vista

    This question will maybe sound noob, where do i put downloaded maps from this website to play them on sc2?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on problem with the website

    I tryed, but when i do this, it says it will be saved as a text file :S ok, forget5 it,


    this post can be closed

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on problem with the website

    hello here is my problem: well... i dont know why im getting this, but when i try to download maps from this website by pressing the download button, I get a page with many characters like this : �4��I�@���p4�dz��m������u����mo����( �NB����,�(M��:R���t��*��������m,�`J��r� ��_{k����8h��������������a��g��o���������e� e���|������9���s��� ���h���w�����d�ࠁ��p@�F$ �,*��x�d�0H������%��5d6�{ �}���H�-1�$m��U%_�AI����3&pM-��n����k�Є�ʾ�����P���s���S�sH)d�K���d�^;e�J��Q�=��'%�a,!ooA[e����0�H���:=qE3��ʵ[\1V�"�鏦t:)��j�\��w�%!,�d/=�ʪ���hi�t��^ When I look at the link at the top of the window, it is the good like, but it end by .zip

    If anyone know how to fix this problem, thanks to tell me how thanks ;) (PS: Sorry if i'm not in the good forum, I don't where this post should be)

    EDIT: So... I just saw that, it doesn't matter what i want to download, i get those characters.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on how to convert ressources

    ok :) thanks, but i only need two more thing: How to be able to show the ressources on the top screen; and how to change the icon on the top screen thanks to answer again :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on how to convert ressources

    hello, here is my problem:

    I need to convert Terrazine into a new ressources, does someone can show me how please?

    Here is what I need: How to changer the icon in the ressources board on the top screen; How to show this icon; How to make a worker able to harvest this ressources : 1-How to change the ability (Harvest) 2-how to add an attachment to the worker when it has the ressource with him. 3-how to make the ressource harvestable like gaz or mineral

    thats all what I need (I think) thanks to answer me ;)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on custom ressources

    ok... so, if i understood correctly, its here : http://wiki.sc2mapster.com/galaxy/data/units/ right? if so, have i understood correctly that i can't have more than 4 ressources in the map? :(

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on custom ressources

    sorry, i don't find anything in the unit section, is it the unit secxtion in the game section of the WIKI

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on custom ressources

    ok thanks but which section of the wiki should i look at?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on custom ressources

    Hello Here ismy problem

    I need a way to add custom ressources to my map I saw a tutorial on this site about how to create a field, but it doesnt add the custom ressource to the map (my custom ressource is the Red Crystal),so i can't make a unit cost, example, 100 mineral, 25 gas and 50 red crystal. Does anyone can tell me how to do this please? thanks :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Avenger Model

    then, can you tell me what programs are required to make a model? I'll try to make it by myself, i still never tryed, but there is a start for everything :)

    Posted in: Requests
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    posted a message on Avenger Model

    I'm making a starcraft 2 map, a kind of mod. The terrain has been made by blizzard, but i want to add somes units and then make a kind of new melee. more Terran units, more Zerg units, more protoss units, more Terran structures, more zerg structures, more protoss structures.

    Posted in: Requests
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    posted a message on Avenger Model

    Hello Here is my request : I need a model and i think that many people will include it in their maps because its a great model : The Avenger Model

    The Avenger is an air infantry unit, you wonder why? look at that : It has a CMC-660 suit (like the Marauder's or Firebat's one), with jetpack on its back. It has 2 gun on its arms and its suit is green. There is only one thing I REALLY REALLY want you do if you want tomake it : If you look at the firebat portrait, it look at the right, the marauder's one look at the left, so I wonder if you could make its portrait look at foward (i dont know if i said it right but i mean it look at you, the guy who make the model, if i can say it like that)

    Edit: Oh i forgot, please, reply if ytou accept to make this model, thanks ;)

    Posted in: Requests
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