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    posted a message on WoW Model-Pack Requests

    @Zarakk: Go

    Yup, darn that those units are bugged. So are the pygmies for me. But, yes, the silithids, the Obsidion Guy I know works. A nice variety of them would be great, including the AQ40 bosses.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Terraining Exercises: Global Information/Idea Thread

    @Mozared: Go

    Here is a base terrain with fantasy doodads, donated by Zarakk, Tethalon, and Sizlak. They range from Scholomance, to Kara, to Dwarven, to, uh, a bunch of other stuff! Alot of these are also useful for Sci Fi, as SC2 left us with only a handful of not lab interior doodads.

    So, if sometime in the future you want to do a fantasy WTE, a base of doodads is here. Ignore the little town in the center, as I started working on a terrain before saving this file as a base. This could also make for an interesting JTE!

    Anyways, included are about 92 doodads, clocking in at about 8MG of space (compressed). *Shrug* The Cortex Engine takes almost no space at all, so I have been able to get away with larger maps. I use this base for my maps, and often delete about a third, if not more, of the imports. This saves me time, as importing them all, making the models and the actors, is a real pain to do over and over again. Anyways, enjoy!

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #30: Two-tone

    The blue water, which is the Bel Shir Skybox reflected, and the Auir/Bel Shir Palm trees, to create a small "park" in a desert fantasy town I am creating. This map has about 92 WoW doodads, though I won't use them all. Through mods I add about 60 WoW imported units (using two mods). 1 mod, which is underwork, will be universal to all my Cortex Roleplay Maps (thanks to Delirium for the Data). Then, each map I have will have an additional unit specific mod. This one, which is about 3 weeks (at least) off, would have a specific mod with the Ramenkah, Tol'Vir, AQ40 units, and several others. (Thanks to all my friends who donated their publishing space!) I made this with the two tone WTE in mind, I hope you all like it! Feedback is always welcome.


    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on WoW Model-Pack Requests

    Hey Zarakk, I just wanted to thank you for the Kara and Sholo props, they all look great, and were exactly what I was looking for!

    Anyways, I do have another request, if/when you have the time. The Tol'vir, the Obsidian destroyer, the Ramkahen, especially that lion that sits next to their leader, and some AQ 40 units (I already have the Twin Emps) would all be nice.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Ruined temple bridges, no longer ruined?


    Careful placement of four ruined temple bridges, two temple arches, and use of the hide terrain texture, all went into this nice little vista! Oh, and use of the BelShir skybox plus reflective water. The small uh, wave things, where the water impacts the bridge, are waterfalls, which, when used right, make for great rapids!

    (When I finally finished the bridge it just looked so dern good I had to tell someone :D)

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on WoW Model-Pack Requests

    @Shadowhunter2112: Go

    Yea, also, for the general populace, I have had the same issue with C'thun's...uh, parts. Oh, and actually the Naga from Black Temple works like a charm! I can upload him here, if you want, but I would need to ask my exporter for permission. I doubt he will say no, but I always want to make sure. Anyways, it is the Big Naga, uh, Najen-tits or something was his name. He comes with some nice shell shoulder pads, and I believe a weapon.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #30: Two-tone


    Well. there is a quick go. I plan on adding more detail as the week goes one, but the point, I suppose, is to make a volcano somewhere in an arctic area. The Char Rock and the Nif Snow are meant to contrast with each other, as is the AshWeather and the white (snow!) Ash Weather. Eh, it could use more detail, and I was not entirely sure what to do for this weeks, but there it is.

    Edit: I went ahead and added a little more texture variation, so, there are some transitional colors that, in my opinion, make it look a little more natural.


    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #30: Two-tone

    Two colors as in two texture colors only, or are you also meaning to include doodads here?

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on WoW Model-Pack Requests

    Thanks for the models! Just what I was looking for. From my experiance, all of the BT boss models are bugged. Supremus has another Supremus attached, Teron Gorefiend's shoulder armor is bugged, illidan crashes games, Shiraz, I think, is broken. In fact, much of this has already been said, did you look at older posts before posting?

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #29: Military Space Compound

    Well, I think I might have already entered this, if so, I can whip something else before the event ends. This is the inside of a massive ship, conceivably large enough to house a massive fleet of starships. These screens are taken from my map Cortex Roleplay - Derelict. What you are seeing here is the inside of the Derelict. When I made it I had the Derelict Reaper in mind, from ME2.


    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Terraining Exercises: Global Information/Idea Thread

    You also do not really need WoW trees, really. As far as making a blank map with the assets its fairly easy, simply import, make the models, and then make the doodads. I also like both the Haunted Forest and Dead Marsh idea (seeing as one of my maps has areas for both those themes :D)

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Terraining Exercises: Global Information/Idea Thread

    @Mozared: Go

    I can make one with a bunch of WoW props, if you would like. PM me if you want me too, you only need to take up about 5MG worth of models (this is excluding units) to make a fantasy map. I can send a blank one with a variety of props.A few inside stuff, some buildings, and props, you do not need WoW trees.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Terraining Exercises: Global Information/Idea Thread

    Here is my WTE idea:

    Fantasy themed: make a fantasy like terrain. Simple as that. To get started, players can take a look the WoW export/import tutorial to get some neat-o props! This, however, is certainly not required, as SC2's models can go a long way toward fantasy stuff, granting that you get a little creative.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Yeti needs your creative ideas

    (Bump) Just an update, the map is released public. I still need to do a little polishing, but just search for Cortex Roleplay - Ultradiatus to check it out.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on WoW Model-Pack Requests

    @Zarakk: Go

    The lock form did not crash my editor, and that was last night, but it was bugged. For interior stuff, Statues, Karazhan inside props, and Wyrmrest inside props. Statues, uh, chests are good, cabinets, alchemy stuff, stuff from scholomance, ect....

    I know the fel orcs exist, too, they have axes and swords instead of hands, and, of course, Leotharis The Blind, or a look like, if at all possible.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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