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    posted a message on Custom damage types and vulnerabilities?

    Ah, no, I just want the vulnerabilities and resistances.
    All the rest should still remain the same.

    I basically want to make easy 'groups' of damage types.
    For example fire damage would deal more damage to plant things and less damage to robots.
    Or say if a unit is drenched in gasoline (behavior) I want any fire damage to set it on fire.

    I can't really think of any way to do it other then having a really long list of all damaging effects and their damage type and then the same for every unit and it's vulnerabilities.
    Maybe add custom damage types if that is possible (the field with 'melee' 'spell' 'splash' 'physical') if that is possible.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Custom damage types and vulnerabilities?


    How would I go about making a pokemon-ish damage and vulnerability system?

    The normal sc2 system isn't enough for what I'm trying to do. For one I want to have %based vulnerability as well as set damage vulnerabilities. I also want it to be useable via triggers.

    I feel like I should write more but that's really all there is to it :p

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Barrier of time

    I think you can get a stable time loop with this.

    Having a conversation with the other side seems awesome.
    You can't really communicate in traditional ways. If you speak to them in reverse they'll understand but it won't have an impact you can see because time goes backwards.
    So first what you do is you cross onto the other side, to a remote place with noone around. Then you go back to your side and wait for 10 years. You write down all the technical advances made in that period of time and memorize them backwards. Go to the other side and tell the people this information and tell them to go to the remote place you were 10 years ago (10 years in the future for them) and give you said information (in reverse, that is).

    They do this and your past self gets all the information. You repeat this process over and over again until every bit of information you can possibly know is known.

    So far so good. How does this play out if you need a stable time loop? Pretty simple. Your young self gets ALL information and gives them ALL information so they can give it to your younger self. That's a stable time loop.

    So in your scenario simply the fact you think of this plan would allow you to have all information.
    Ofc there are a few problems with this, namely you can't memorize all information there is. It'd work though if you can take objects with you. A USB stick for example.

    I love time travel so much <3

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Are we immortal?

    Religious arguments always get way too elaborate.
    People always argue about the consequences of religion or lack thereof which is imho a waste of time.

    It's so much easier to disprove religion by just finding a counter-argument to every single reason why people believe in religion. And that is pretty easy by comparison. The one who makes an assumption has to deliver the evidence.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Blizzard is apparently lonely....

    I still like the dryads from wc3 with hidden breasts on their back.


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on (CONCEPT) A Music Game Concept by Bounty

    butbutbut if you just figure out how long a single beat is you could just use sheet music and it'd be a lot easier :7

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on (CONCEPT) A Music Game Concept by Bounty

    How did you sync up the song?
    Please tell me you didn't just use trial and error :>

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Did anyone else notice this before? (Eula)

    There are ways around it though.
    You should be able to register a CD key from the US. You just have to get somebody in the US to send you a key and you send them money with paypal.
    Worst case you have to start using another b.net account. But that doesn't seem likely.

    On the actual subject of the thread (lol):
    We silly humans always manage to justify whatever we want. Not just in religion, there it's just the most extreme.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [solved] Simple 'Effect - Target' not working

    Thanks! It works!

    But how am I supposed to know you can't use a remove behavior directly <.<

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [solved] Simple 'Effect - Target' not working

    Quite annoying. I went over everything 5 times and I can't get it to work q.q

    Yes, I made the ability and added the effect. Then I made the button. I added the ability to the unit. I added the button to the unit and assigned it the ability and the command type. It didn't work and I added the default button after you suggested it. It still didn't work. I entirely removed the ability from the unit and the button and added everything again, just to make sure.

    I think it's linked correctly, but apparently it is not :7

    The spell has a range and an effect. I'm pretty sure the flags are right, I copy/pasted them from another ability.
    If it was an error with the flags, range, or range I wouldn't be able to click stuff, but right now I can't get the crosshair-mouse up.

    I have no idea :\

    edit: Meh, the flaw has to be somewhere with the effect. I just tried a working ability with the new effect and I got the error. Fuuuuuuuuu.

    editedit: Well gah, it's just a simple 'remove behaviour'. aölsdkfjöaklsdjfaklsdf I'm looking into it again tomorrow. Will bump again if I can't figure it out myself.


    The flaw was in the effect. I replaced it with a simple damage effect and it worked.
    Now I went over every single field in the 'remove behavior'. And still not working.


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [solved] Simple 'Effect - Target' not working

    I didn't give it a default button.
    But now I did and it's still not working :<

    Any other ideas?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Is it possible to 'link' names of data fields into non-text data fields?

    I thought it wouldn't be possible exactly the way I'd want it.

    But thanks anyway, that's going to speed it up a lot!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [solved] Simple 'Effect - Target' not working

    Hello good sirs

    I'm trying to create a very simple 'Effect - Target' ability. I just want my ability to instantly apply an effect to the target unit.
    I'm apparently missing some very important field.

    The way it is right now, when I click on the command button I just get a red 'Error'. There is no desired crosshair which would allow me to target a unit.

    Which field am I missing? What to change?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Is it possible to 'link' names of data fields into non-text data fields?


    I'd really like to crosslink spell names.
    For example I have an awesome spell and I name it 'Awesome'. Then I name all my behaviors and actors something along the lines of 'Awesome (Editor suffix)'.
    But now if I change my mind and I want to rename the spell to 'Badass', then I have to go to every single effect and every single behavior and change it to 'Badass (Editor Suffix)'.

    Is there any way to 'link' stuff, so I only have to change one field to change all of the names?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Passive Ability/Behaviour not working

    Thanks, now it works :)

    Posted in: Data
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