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    posted a message on [Solved] Inaccurate Siege Tank?

    Thanks. I'm not too advanced with the map editor, but I think I understand. If anyone else also has ideas feel free to respond.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Missing Sounds from Bunker

    I have another question completely different from my other, so I am making another thread for it. I made a unit that uses the Vulture's weapon and can enter Bunkers. The problem is, Vultures can't actually enter Bunkers themselves, so there is no weapon sound for the unit firing the Vulture's weapon from within the Bunker. Is there anyway to fix this?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Inaccurate Siege Tank?

    How could I go about making the siege tank inaccurate? So when it shoots, it is more like artillery and misses a lot. Also, even though there is no actual projectile, is there a way to delay the hit based on the distance as if there were a projectile?

    How could I go about making projectile-based weapons also inaccurate?

    Posted in: Data
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