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    posted a message on WTF just happened!? help!?

    hey, i just tested out your theory, and it was to no avail. Even with it being just a duplicate object it made no difference. I really hope I don't have to make my own resources, I'm sure I'll bugger something up and won't work right or something.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on WTF just happened!? help!?
    Quote from Rathma666: Go

    and no I didn't change the wrong thing because it was working fine before while testing, been working on it for about a month)

    I know about the editor model, thats specifcly why i mentioned that i didn't do the wrong one, but thanks for trying

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Help] Teleport after upgrade

    Teleport Trigger 1


    Unit - Teleporter research progress is Completed

    Local Variables Conditions

    (Triggering progress upgrade) == Teleport to Platform 2


    Unit - Move Hero 1 instantly to (Center of Platform 2) (No Blend)

    That should do the trick for you in a trigger type fasion. I just named my upgrade "Teleport to Platform 2" and the area to goto as "Platform 2" So what that trigger is saying is that when your upgrade (teleport to platform 2) finishes, it will move your unit (hero 1) to the center of a region (platform 2)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on WTF just happened!? help!?

    I have been working on a new map, and one of the things that i have changed was the actor of the minerals. It worked just fine before, everything was perfect.

    Example: Minerals now look like goliaths, and the scv's carry, oh say.. tiny siege tanks

    The image is right in the editor (and no I didn't change the wrong thing because it was working fine before while testing, been working on it for about a month) but now they are just showing up as minerals. The "Carry minerals" actor is working but the minerals them selves arn't.

    I thought maybe I had mucked something up in the data editor by chance, so I created a new map, put down some mineral patches, changed them to hives, but when i test it, they are mineral chunks again.

    WTF, I'm so not understanding what just happened. I've restarted the editor, the game, and checked all the prefrences and everything is still how I had it set up before. So please, any insight would be appreciated, and try it yourself, see if its the same for you

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Custom Upgrades

    Sorry, (sound nooby) but I don't quite follow you there, I've torn the button and the upgrade appart and I'm not quite sure where I'm sposed to find this. Or if you are wanting an actual "Requirement" set up for it.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Custom Upgrades

    Hey, I'm currently working on a map and so far i've got everything figured out and going good, buuuut, a big snag i've run into is the upgrades.

    Example: I've got an upgrade at the command centre to upgrade the rate at which scv's gather resources. The button is there, the requirements work, the upgrade works, but it upgrades in the que (like building an scv, which I dont really mind) but the button doesn't go away afterwards. I can keep purchasing it, and because I have the max level set as 1 then it won't stack the effect (thankfully)

    So just wondering how to disable the button after the upgrade has started so you can't keep doing it.


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Ammuntion

    Hey, not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I am currently working on a map and I've hit some snags.

    Main snag: All ranged units have a limited amount of ammo (charges on the weapon), and I got that part no prob, but now the part I'm having issues with is I'm wanting to either have something in the command card showing the amount of ammo left (maybe like a passive ability or something) or to have it so when the ammo count drops below a certain point, to add a behavior to the unit stating that it has low ammo.

    I have racked my brain with the triggers and I the closest I have come is:

    Events Unit - Any Unit starts attacking Local Variables Conditions Actions General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions) If (Charge Remaining Count for ability Attack on unit (Triggering unit)) < 45.0 Then Unit - Kill (Triggering unit) Else

    The kill triggering unit was just a quick forsure way to show me that it was working. but with that trigger, whenever a unit attacks (whether it has attack counts or not) it will kill the unit. The thing that is making me think that happens is that "(Charge Remaining Count for ability Attack on unit (Triggering unit)) < 45.0" part is talking about the counts remaining on the "attack" ability, where the counts are on the weapon itself that they are using.

    So please any insight would be greatly apreciated! Thanks!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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