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    posted a message on help with actor to behavior (Solved)

    @Kueken531: Go

    Thank you alot Kueken531 !

    This worked wonderful :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on help with actor to behavior (Solved)

    Hello everyone!

    I got a problem I haven't found a soultion to.

    On my map Im having some behaviors added to enemies randomly and when a enemy gets one of the behaviors it gets a new tint color. So far I have with 2 behaviors solved it by adding to all enemy units main actors event+ "behavior - #Blue/#Red - On set tint color" So when an enemy gets the #blue behavior a specific tint color is set and when #red is applied another tint color i set.

    I discovered that if I want more than 2 bevaiors and having over 50 units to add each behavior line to the event+ is a long way. So I thought would it be possible to add an specific actor to each behavior that sets tint color so when I add a behavior to an unit it also gets a new actor that tells the unit to change tint color if the behavior is active.

    Is this possible? My knowledge with actors is poor so I don't know.

    Ive tried to make an new actor simple and in the event+ I added "Behavior - #Blue - ON" and SetTintColor "blue". And now the #Blue behavior has this actor added but ingame the unit that gets #Blue active on him dont change tint color. I think I have to somehow point the new created actor to get the source unit actor but I dont know how.

    Is there anyone who knows what I should do?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Temp invulnerable buff? SOLVED

    Thank you ScorpSCII !

    I manage to fix it thanks to you.

    What I did was to create an effect that removes behavior and point it to remove my "temp invulnerable" behavior and simply linked that effect to the "temp invulnerable"s "expire effect" and now it works wonderfull!


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Temp invulnerable buff? SOLVED

    Hello! Hope someone can help me.

    I´m trying to create a temporary invulnerable buff.

    Created an behavior buff.

    In (modification +) and behavior behavior categories enabled - temporary state flags - invulnerable

    Stats:Duration = 3 (I want it to last only 3 sec) Stats:Maximum stack count = 1

    I´m using the trigger action add behavior (player) to add to the created units in the trigger.

    The result so far is that the trigger creates the units and adds the temp invulnerable buff and the buff does its effect except one thing. It seems to never wear off. Thought stats:duration was for that.

    Anyone have any idea what I should do to wear off after 3 sec and never apply again on the same unit? I bet its a simple problem. Im just to inexperienced to understand what can be wrong :P

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Scale down nuke explosion? SOLVED

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    I just solved the problem as you posted your help but thank you anyway for you help Dr.SuperEvil!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Scale down nuke explosion? SOLVED

    Hello everyone!

    In my current map im building I have created a unit that has this "Big Rocket" abillity. And what that ability does is launch a rocket to a target area I choose and do damage. The abillity do work the way I want except one thing and that is the explosion.

    I have copied the "Nuke Explosion" actor and linked it to my rocket damage effect and when the rocket hits the nuke explosion appears as it should but I would like to scale down the explosion so it is smaller but I seem to not find where I change that..

    I have tried to go into the "Actor: map+" in the "nuke explosion actor" and clicked "none" and choosed "art" because there is the explosion model and under that there is scale values but they seem to not work. Whatever number I put there seem to not change the size of the explosion.

    Is there anyone who knows where I should look?

    Edit: Problem solved!

    I found scale values on the actual model for the nuke. So I duplicated the nuke model and linked it to the actor and changed the scale values on the model. :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on What is wrong with this trigger?

    Thank you alot Sir! Now it works! ^^

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on What is wrong with this trigger?

    Hello everyone!

    I am trying to make my first map and I am going to make an special forces map cuz I really love them! But I have a little problem here with a trigger and Im new to this but I am trying my best. Trigger problem Here I am trying to make the trigger do following:

    When a unit is killed, check if the unit is owned by player 15 and count every small greenling killed up to 10 then spawn a boss at a point that is issued the order to attack another point. Then I want the trigger to start over and count greenling to 10 before next boss spawn.

    The last part where it says (Last created unit), there I have tried (Created unit) but that didnt work. Hope Im clear about what I want to achieve. The picture shows how far I got and now Im out of thoughts. If you know what I should do please let me know, would really appreciate it!

    Posted in: Triggers
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