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    posted a message on Encrypting Bank Files

    @s3rius: Go Nice work! is it a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Substitution_cipher ? Substution cipher

    @Eiviyn: Go "Takes a few seconds to break something like that. " it takes more then a few seconds ... it takes few seconds when you DONT use it ... in most cases ppl will give up when they see a Ciphertext (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciphertext).. but you are right! its not safe at all :) .. but there is nothing "realy" safe

    @magnificence7: Go for example you can even crack MD5 via Bruteforce(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brute_force_attack) ... but i think none will make this effort to cheat at a funmap :)

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    posted a message on Baloon Fighter

    ehehe .. yeah but tehn you have to code much more like the chat and teh connections , and noone will play it .. the idea is crap anyways .. i thinked its ez to make so i played around with the editor .. now i work on some other ideas .

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    posted a message on Baloon Fighter

    closed project , its not possible to make it smooth ... using 2d Images lags the game to much i think it will be better to use 3d models...

    here is my file if anyone wants to continue or check it out :)

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    posted a message on Launching a map from command line

    on windows its

    Exe: C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Versions\Base16939\SC2.exe Parameters: -run "Test/EditorTest.SC2Map" -displaymode 2 -preload 1 -NoUserCheats -reloadcheck -difficulty 2 -speed 2

    maybe it will help you !

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    posted a message on Baloon Fighter

    So i started yesterday and completed the movment part. the character is able to stand on doodads xD and can fly arround i use the Y axis as Z


    Today i will look into the Collision thing , so the players will do damage ... any tipps for that ?

    The new Editor is great, much better then the wc3 one!

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    posted a message on Ping boss problem

    @PsychoMC: Go

    i am not sure but i think it will be a flag in the data editor ... try to place a leviathan and watch the minimap if its shows the "boss mark" it will be a unit property not a trigger.

    hope you finish your CTF game soon , sounds like fun !

    what are the game mechanics?

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    posted a message on Baloon Fighter

    Hi dudes !

    I want to create a funmap based on a oldschool NES game with the SC2 Editor Baloon Fighter original

    its called Baloon Fighter , its a 2d game which has only a few game mechanics:

    • press right: turnes the character right
    • press left: turnes the character left
    • press A: give + v-speed and + h-speed ( you move upwards and in your viewing direction )
    • Press B: autofire A ( very usefull ! )

    you have 2 baloons when a enemy touches them you loose one , when you lost both you are dead.

    so i am kinda new and started today to check out the editor ... look pretty cool to me ..

    But i have problems with creating 2D objects i use textmarker with this content to display the background

    <img path="Sprites\bg.png"/>

    but i cant change width , height etc .. i searched google and did not found anything about it !

    in addidtion i am very interested how more expert mapcreators would create this map !

    my plan was to use http://www.sc2mapster.com/assets/sprite-engine/

    and modify it to manage my sprites ... then i planed to display the background as png ( dont worked :) ) and let the sprites fly with z value so they are all on the same X pos ... i have no idea how to make the collision ...

    so plz tell me what you think about the idea and how much work it will be ...


    UPDATE: found http://forums.sc2mapster.com/resources/project-workplace/11086-chrono-triggercraft/#p16 i will use it for background displaying ... now the question is: how i can implement the collision ? when a sprite is hitted at the top 50% it should call the damage function which removes 1 life , any idea ?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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