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    posted a message on Need Help With Abillities

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    Okay, I'll try these.

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    posted a message on Need Help With Abillities

    I'm a pretty advanced data editor, but these have me stumped.

    So, the abillity is supposed to freeze time in an area and the caster teleports around to random units in the zone and attacks them. I have the freeze time part down, but the second part does not work. I've tried doing a teleport, then damage effect. and it didn't work out so well. I believe the TargetSorts Random on a search effect would work to make the random part, but that failed to.

    Another abillity I need help on is getting an abillity to only target a certain area of the map. The abillity has an infinte range (500 range), but needs to only target one specific area. I had an idea to make it so that you can only use it in a power field, but I am stumped with this one too. I prefer not to use triggers on abillities, but if you must, use triggers.

    Please help!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Upgrade - Changing a units Model

    Go to the actor of the unit. Now go to Event - Terms and double click on it. Create a new event with a msg type of "upgrade," a source name of the upgrade you want, and a sub name of add. (if add does not work, try remove.) In the action, set the msg type to "model swap" and select your model. That's it :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to make your unit go through the colors of the rainbow!

    This is pretty simple, and shouldn't take you long at all.

    Okay, to start off, create the behaviors "Red" "Orange" "Yellow" "Green" "Blue" and "Purple." Set the duration of the behaviors to whatever you like. The shorter the duration, the faster the unit will go through the colors. Now, create apply behavior effects named "Apply Red" "Apply Blue" and so on and so forth, respectively.

    Now set the "Effect - Final" of each behavior to the "Apply Color" of the next color in the rainbow. If you do not know what the order is, check the first sentence. (derp.) Next, apply one (just one!) of the behaviors to the unit you want rainbowing.

    Now, for the actor events parts. Go to the actor of your rainbowing unit. Now double click on "Events - Terms." Make 6 new events in the new window that pops up. (Make new events by right-clicking the part of the window with alot of text.) Set the msg type of the event to "behavior" then source name to "Red" "Orange" or whatnot. Now, set the sub name to "start." The action part of the event should have the msg type be "Set Tint Color Blend." Then, set the first folor to the name of the behavior you set as the event, and the second color as the next color in the rainbow. Set the "blend in duration' to however long your behaviors are. Do this for the other events.

    You should be done! See if it works :D

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Zergling flashes around the map?

    Make an "issue order" trigger that orders the Zergling to mvoe to a point.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on (Solved) Sets with More than 2 Effects Not Working!

    I finally go it to work (Thanks to your guys' suggestions). Thanks for the help!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Forcing Zealots to complete their attack animation

    You can set the "backswing" of the zealot's animation to fit the time in which he needs to finish his animation.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Actor... animation problem

    @TerranMaster23: Go

    There are certain validators that can only be done in the data part of the editor. Create a new behavior called "Unit Stand." Next, make a new "set" effect and call it "Stand Dummy." Go back to your "Unit Stand" behavior and make the duration -1, set the value of "period" to 1, and set the "periodic effect" to "Stand Dummy." Now go to "Validators (Disable)" in the behavior and set the "Validators (Disable)" to "No orders and no move."

    That's your first chunk of work.

    Go to the actor of your unit that is glitching out (If the unit were a Marine, than it would be the actor called Marine) and go to Events - Send. Double click on it. There should be a new window that pops up. Right click on the portion of the window were there is a bunch of text. Click "Add Event." Make the "Msg Type" "effect." Now, set the "Source Name" to "Stand Dummy" and also set the "sub name" to start. Next, click on the action connected to your event (it should be the text connected to the event with a dotted line. It should be green.) Leave "target" blank and set the "Msg Type" to "animation play." The "Name" doesn't matter. Check the box of NONE of the flags. Set the "Animation Properties" to "stand." The rest of the stuff that I didn't mention does not matter.

    Almost done, just a few things to do!

    Exit out of the events window. Make sure to press okay and not cancel, or else all the work you did in that window will not be applied! Then add the "Unit Stand" behavior to the unit that you are having problems with. This should work, if it still doesn't play the move animation than post a comment and I will deal with that too.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Actor... animation problem

    The skinned models are usually slightly glitchy. In the actor's event's, make the idle animation "stand." If that doesn't work or the event is already there than you can make a behavior that once in a while (every 5 seconds?) does a dummy effect. Now go to the actor of your unit and go to events and make it so when the effect happens, it makes the actor play the "stand" animation.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Auto Cast - Auto Turret

    The reason it doesn't work is that the Auto-Turret ability works differently than the other abilities. It requires you to select a location rather than a target. To go around this, you could set the ability so it targets a target.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Sets with More than 2 Effects Not Working!

    The maximum/minumum amount of effects didn't seem to work. I will try all of the other suggestions.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Sets with More than 2 Effects Not Working!

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    1. I feel a bit stupid now-there's a maximum/minumum set option?

    2. The 2 effect sets all work completely fine

    3. I did not change the probability

    4. No validators.

    5. I'm not sure which effects word and which do not. What I know is that it only applies Weapons A and B and does not remove them ever.

    6. The source of my problem is probably 1.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Dark Voidray Channeled Attack to One Shot Burst

    I think you would have to use and Interceptor Beam to keep it simple.

    If you REALLY want the void ray's beam, than I believe this should work: -Make new void ray actor as beam actor, set it's stuff so that it works like the beam should -Make the launch of the ability apply a short behavior (the duration of it as long as you want the beam to appear) -Edit the void ray actor's events so that it "creates" the beam when the behavior is applied -Next, still in the actor's events, make it so that the beam's actor is "destroyed" when the behavior ends

    If it doesn't work, let me know.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Sets with More than 2 Effects Not Working!

    A recent problem with the editor is a set that will not execute it's effects properly. Here's the situation:

    Let's say there are 3 behaviors. I will refer to these as A, B, and C. Behavior A enables a weapon and deactivates 2 other weapons that are enabled by B and C. Behavior B and C work the same way. I have 3 buttons (one for each weapon) that activates a set. The set applies one Apply Behavior and 2 Remove Behaviors, but for some reason does not work! Also, If I use only 2 Behaviors (Behavior A activates weapon A and deactivates weapon B, with the sets only having a remove behavior and apply behavior command) it works perfectly fine. When I use 3 behaviors (where the sets have to apply A, remove B, and remove C) it does not work!

    An example chart of Behavior A to make things a bit easier to understand:

    Button A > Ability A > Set A > Apply A, Remove B, Remove C

    Please help!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Attatched Models That Attack?

    I know how to make attached models have animations, but If I wanted a missile to launch from the attached model, what would I do? Put simply: How do I make it so the attached model attacks instead of the host model?

    Posted in: Data
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