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    posted a message on Help with timers.

    Here is an example of a timer.


    All you need is a variable (change the type to "Timer" on the drop down list) and a trigger. The trigger in the picture runs when the game starts. It starts the timer named "Timer" and has it count down from ten forever (it restarts when it hits 0). Then the second action makes a timer window that says "Title" and shows the time next to it.

    When you are adding an action to a trigger you should use the labels on the left side of the window, just click on the one relating to what you are trying to do (e.g. "Timer") and it will only show actions related to that.

    By default (on my system at least) the "Create Timer Window" action defaults to displaying the last created timer so, if you have a trigger like the one in the picture you can just leave it like that.

    Here is a step by step instruction list.

    1. Create a global variable (CTRL-B)
    2. Click the down arrow to the right of "Type"
    3. Scroll down to "Timer"
    4. Click "Timer"
    5. Rename the variable (push F2 and then type a name)
    6. Make a new trigger (CTRL-T)
    7. Add a "Map initialization" event (CTRL-E)
    8. Add a "Start Timer" action (CTRL-R)
    9. Change the "Timer" option to the "Timer" variable
    10. Change the other three options to whatever you desire
    11. Add a "Create Timer Window" action (CTRL-R)
    12. Either have the "Timer option for the timer window action be "Last Started Timer" or a specific variable

    Edit Picture link didn't work (need to learn how to post links on this site still, sorry). Edit #2 Now it works for some reason, whatever.

    Posted in: Triggers
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