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    posted a message on Doodads

    so guys i search for it but couldnt find something. i guess this question is so nooblike that no one has to ask~

    how can i turn a doodad on his head?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on My first Terrain

    its the first with the sc2 editor for sure :P

    and yes i have a past with the wc3 editor and made films. I didnt study anything like that but i really want too^^

    u can check out my youtube profile if u want. http://www.youtube.com/user/xXbrezelXx?feature=mhum

    some stuff is in german but u will get the overall style anyways.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Cinematic Units


    it seems like quiet a few people use those units from the cinematics like zeratul or the battlecruiser but i cannot find them in the editor.

    i searched in the forum for answers but i couldnt find anything so i hope this thread is ok.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on My first Terrain

    @ keyeszx: i played a little bit around till it looked good.

    add some contrast, rgb levels and colors are changed

    thats the original: http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/1761/coruscant.jpg

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on My first Terrain

    hi sc2mapster com,

    im new here and wanna present u my first Terrain with the Sc2 editor. im still pretty bad and only know the basics but i try to get better :)

    so here it is:

    i tried to make the coruscant bottom areas of the city from star wars, because sc2 is perfect for such things :D the screenshot is taken from the editor and is modified with photoshop. i hope thats ok

    im open for criticism

    Posted in: Terrain
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