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    posted a message on Dungeons - Guardians of Fire

    I have a suggestion for the revive system. Currently if the tank or healer dies, everyone just starts running for their lives until they revive and than lose due to timer. It is almost always impossible to recover when people start dieing.

    - Remove revives and implement a reset system. ( Kind of like skipping the bosses at the beginning and starting at the beginning of the part so people can't farm experience.) ( you can implement number of times you can reset with difficulty)

    - Give Egon a revive spell "200-300 mana, 5-10 sec cast time" (Meant to revive other people if they died by accident to trash mobs and occasionally against bosses)

    Resetting a game seems really important b/c sometimes you might want to play with the same people again but you failed against the boss and you can't try again.

    You don't have to add these but consider it. (especially the reset or something like it)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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