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    posted a message on A riddle

    I don't see how the dragon could die, or the knight.

    There is no SPOILER tag. Blah.

    Let's see.

    DRAGON :

    Before the duel, the dragon drinks from well 5. After the duel, he drinks from well 6.

    The knight can give :

    • Water from well 1-5
    • Plain water

    If the knight gives water from well 1-5, this will have not effect on the dragon : he is still poisoned by well 5. He then drinks from well 6 and is cured.

    If the knight gives plain water, the dragon is still poisoned by well 5. He then drinks from well 6 and is cured.

    The dragon always lives.

    KNIGHT :

    Before the duel, the knight drinks from well 1. After the duel, he drinks from well 1, then from well 5.

    The dragon can give :

    • Water from well 1
    • Water from well 2-6
    • Plain water.

    If the dragon gives water from well 1, this will have no effect on the knight. He is still poisoned. He then drinks from well 1 (still poisoned by 1) and then from well 5 : he is cured.

    If the dragon gives water from well 2-6, this will cure the knight from well 1. He is cured. He poisons himself with well 1, but cures himself with well 5. He is cured.

    If the dragon gives plain water, the knight is poisoned by well 1. He then drinks from well 1 and is still poisoned by 1. Then, he drinks from well 5 : he is cured.

    No matter what, both the dragon and the knight live. They then decide that this duel was stupid, and live happily together. When the knight finally dies of old age, the dragon decides to suicide to follow his friend to the realm of the dead. He drinks from the well 6, and dies.

    THE END.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Neural Parasite (Captured isn't treated as enemy)

    So I guess that using a trigger to change the owner is excluded ?

    (just sayin')

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Are bugs cold blooded?

    Cold-blooded is not really a good description, given the fact that their blood has a varying temperature ; so it's true it can get quite cold, but when it is sunny or hot, the "cold-blooded" animals have a warmer blood than us. That's why you see lizards "taning" on rocks : they love the sun for this.

    Moreover, I would not like a bug-pet the size of a dog, given that he will crumble upon itself or that a simple hit in his exoskeleton will kill him (pressure is not good).

    So giant roaches ? Not afraid, no. :D

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #12: Under da Sea

    Tried to make some little underwater cristal mine-base. It's way too much monochomatic, but I didn't find a proper set of colors. So I just went with "screw it" and did what I can, which is to say not much..

    The water effect was achieved trough blue fog (no density set, just changed height and color) and luminosity.

    (Bonus point for those who see the pack of beers)

    Posted in: Terrain
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