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    posted a message on Create units after player gets X amount of kills?

    Thank you, very helpful!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Create units after player gets X amount of kills?

    I'm trying to figure out how to get a trigger that fires after a player has killed a certain amount of an enemies units.

    For example, player one kills 5 of player 2's units, and is now allowed to build a building that was previously disallowed Then maybe at 10 kills he can build something else..... say at 25 kills he's given a unit with exta HP and Damage.... 50....75....100....150...200....400 ect all giving different things.

    i assume i'd be using the any unit dies event, but for variables/conditions part i have no idea how to make it keep track of each players kill count, and how to trigger each action for achieving each level of kills.... anyone know what i have to do?

    Posted in: Triggers
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