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    posted a message on Blizzard Dota "level up" and "hero death" effects

    @Mephs: Go

    I played your map, Mephs. I chose Rory, though. 'Cause he looked cool! I saw some of the special effects, and they were nice!

    You and your friends developed Left 2 Die before Blizzard! Cool. About your map, I love the presentation. I like the pictures, the font, the graphic-user interface and the dark, spooky atmosphere of the map. Left 2 Die has the best presentation in a map that I've seen.

    However, I think the controls could be improved. I'd prefer to control my hero using regular Starcraft 2 controls. I had a hard time controlling my hero, died often and couldn't help my teammates. Also, I recommend changing the unit names to the original Starcraft names. Generally, I feel changing things such as the controls and the unit names makes the game harder to pick up. Also, having to wait for 60 seconds and read small text at the start of the map is not the best way to start the game, in my opinion. After waiting for the map to load, I felt like just jumping into the game.

    I did like the fact that you used Rory, Nova, and Zeratul. I haven't played any maps that used those models. The concept, theme and presentation of the map are really well-executed. The gameplay experience could be improved.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Blizzard Dota "level up" and "hero death" effects

    I agree, Mephs. The "level up" ability contains a part of the Feedback Impact effect. The best "level up" effect I could find is the Recalled Impact effect. It's a Protoss effect. However, I didn't check out all the effects in the game 'cause it was taking too long to do so.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Blizzard Dota "level up" and "hero death" effects

    Anybody know what effects were used for Blizzard Dota's "level up" and "hero death" effects? The effects are shown at the very beginning of this clip.

    Also, does anyone know an easier way to preview effects (aside from testing the map)?

    I wanna recreate those effects in my map. I know how to use triggers to create a "level up" effect (it's easy), just don't know what effects Blizzard used.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Hide Fully Leveled Abilities from "Learn New Ability"

    Great question! Nice answer!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Ability levels = seperate abilites?

    Using Kueken's pure data editor method (which he describes in another post), I was able to get my ability to do 3 levels of damage.

    See the other post for details: http://forums.sc2mapster.com/development/data/13984-increasing-ability-damage-with-levels/

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Blizz Dota] Hero Selection Interface

    How did you do this so fast? BlizzCon just ended yesterday.


    I very well might use this! Excellent, Programmer. You're my man. I'm super excited. This could be my hero selection screen. I'll definitely credit you!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Preview] Panda Marine

    Prlugo, are the Tiger and Panda Marine skins available for download? Or are you still working on them? Great work!

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on [Preview]UED Solar Marines

    Awesome work!

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Red focus on mengsk statue

    Sorry, I have no idea. I'm a newbie.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Increasing ability damage with levels

    Hi Kueken531. Thanks again! I'm gonna try the solutions you suggested. I'll post back here when I get it to work. Thanks for helping me out again!

    [ Edit ]

    Kueken, your suggestion worked. I think your trigger solution would be faster to implement than the pure data editor way. I'll have to learn how to use triggers in the future. This time, I had to duplicate a couple of effects and events (3 times each) to get everything to work.

    But now my baby Tychus does 3 levels of damage! Whooo haaa! Thanks again, Kueken!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Released!] Sarah Kerrigan Ghost

    A pic of Kerrigan's Starcraft 2 look, taken from the cinematic. Just for reference.


    I think the model would look nice if she had a white body suit and light gray armor. But if you think something else looks better, then I'll go with that.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on [Released!] Sarah Kerrigan Ghost

    Awesome, Underp4ntz. I understand about you being busy with work and trying to fix the cloaking bug. I'd also benefit from cloaking working. The model I requested would be awesome because it would make my Kerrigan hero look more different than my Nova hero.

    I will be patient and continue to check this topic. Thanks!

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Increasing ability damage with levels

    I have a hero and a "Toss Grenade" ability that he can learn 3 levels of. I want the 3 levels to deal increasing amounts of of damage.

    I know the "Toss Grenade" ability has an effect called "Tychus - Toss Grenade (Damage)". I duplicated it 3 times, changed the damage dealt for levels 2 and 3. Then I modified the "Effect - Cursor Effect" field of the ability, and put in the 3 effects in order from level 1 to level 3. I tested it, but it doesn't work.

    Could someone explain to me how to get this done?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Ability levels = seperate abilites?

    This is a good question. Could someone give a more detailed answer?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Released!] Sarah Kerrigan Ghost

    Underpantz, your Kerrigan model is cool, and I intend to use it. However, I'd like to make a request for a slightly different version. Could you make a version where Kerrigan's body suit is white and her armor is a light grey?

    I got the idea from this cosplayer at BlizzCon:

    Kerrigan Cosplayer

    I think a light grey armor and white body suit would work better than the cosplayer's design.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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