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    posted a message on [Solved] How do I keep all my custom data and start a clean map.

    Thanks Terhonator and Keldrif! I really appreciate the info.

    I'll try out some things you both mentioned over the next few days.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] How do I keep all my custom data and start a clean map.

    @Keldrif: Go

    Thanks, Keldrif. I appreciate you taking the time to explain this. There might be another way to use data from one map in another map. I've been told that it's possible to convert a Map into a Mod, and then add the mod as a dependency in a new map. Hopefully someone will explain how to convert a map into a mod. Here's the link to the topic:


    Man, I really hate those little programming bugs. I hope the problem works out for you. If it does, please let me know how you did it. I might have to do the same thing.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Transferring Data to Different Map (Mods?)

    @shardfenix: Go

    Thanks shardfenix.

    If anybody knows how to convert a Map to a Mod, please explain. Also, if anyone knows a good way for 2 people to work on data without taking turns, please explain.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) How Do I Load A Mod?

    How do you create a mod? I have edited a good amount of data in a map, and I want to convert that map into a mod.

    My main goal is to use data from one map in another map.

    Any ideas?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Transferring Data to Different Map (Mods?)

    Hi guys,

    I have 2 issues I'm trying to figure out. I'm developing heroes and abilities on a small "test map".

    (1) I would like to know how I can transfer data on my heroes (models, actors, effects, triggers, etc.) from my test map to another map. Does this involve mods or dependencies? If so, how do I turn my .SC2Map file into a mod? Please give a detailed explanation, 'cause I'm new to map-making.

    (2) A friend and I are trying to create a map together. Right now we're just working on the data and triggers on a test map. We're not working on the terrain. Let's say we both take the same file and each do different work on it. We're working on different pieces of data (actors, effects, behaviors, etc.). Then after we're done with our work, we wanna combine the changes we made to the data into one map. Is that possible? If so, how can it be done?


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] How do I keep all my custom data and start a clean map.

    Keldrif, can you explain to me how you did everything?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] How do I keep all my custom data and start a clean map.

    I'm doing the same thing as Keldrif and getting the same results.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] How do I keep all my custom data and start a clean map.

    This is a really good question.

    I'm creating heroes and abilities in a map, and I also want to move this "data" to another map. I was able to save components, but I don't know what to do next.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How do I modify the Ultrasonic Pulse effect?

    Awesome, BorgDragon. I'll try what you said later today and post here. Thanks for your help!


    It worked! I was surprised. The effect is pretty cool. Thanks a lot, BorgDragon. I will credit you too! By the way, I noticed that whenever I try to modify an existing actor, model or effect, the editor automatically creates a copy of that actor and makes changes in that copy only. So it seems that it's impossible to modify the original actor/effect.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How do I modify the Ultrasonic Pulse effect?

    @Eiviyn: Go

    Thanks Eiviyn. I've never tried model editing. I'll try playing around with tints first. Thanks for helping me out. I'll credit you too.


    I couldn't find the the field I could use to modify the tint color. What is the HDR multiplier? How do I find the tint color and HDR multiplier? Here's all I think I know: when the ability is clicked, it launches an effect called Hero Toss Flashbang (Delay), which launches an effect called Hero Toss Flashbang (Launch Missile), which launches an effect called Spectre - Ultrasonic Pulse Search Area. This last effect launches an actor titled UltrasonicPulseAttackImpact. The Art Model field of this actor links to the UltrasonicPulseAttackImpactEffect model. Now I've tried changing the color for the Color field of this model. Nothing happens. Also, the default color happens to be white, but color of the "impact" animation is red.

    Any advice?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Hero Line Wars

    I read about your map. I'd like to give you useful feedback, but unfortunately I can't visualize what the game will look like. I've never played a Hero Line Wars map. I'd like to offer my encouragement and support though.

    Also, I think the terrain looks good! The base with the statues looks grander than the other starting area though.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on How do I modify the Ultrasonic Pulse effect?

    @Kueken531: Go

    Thanks again, Kueken. I'll try that out later and post what happened.

    Also, I will be crediting you as a "Consultant" for my team's map. :)

    Your Hero Line Wars map looks cool. I'm gonna read it and post what I think.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How do I modify the Ultrasonic Pulse effect?

    Hi guys,

    I want to modify the Spectre's Ultrasonic Pulse effect so that its color is white instead of red, and so that the effect is less translucent (see-through). Any thoughts on how I could do this?

    I'm creating this effect for my hero Tychus' Flashbang ability. Basically, I'm trying to modify the effect so that it looks more like a flashbang grenade explosion.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Data] Hero Glow/Aura Tutorial (Old and/or Outdated)

    @XLIIVI: Go

    Thanks for replying. I fixed my mistake too.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Data] Hero Glow/Aura Tutorial (Old and/or Outdated)

    Hero Glow/Aura Tutorial

    You can use a glow or aura effect to make your hero(es) pop and stand out.

    Example of a hero glow from Warcraft 3:

    How to do it in Starcraft 2
    1. Place your hero on the map.
    2. Enter the trigger editor. Make sure the "Show Libraries" and "Use Subviews" buttons are clicked.
    3. Select the "Melee Initialization" trigger. Right click Action, select New -> New Action.
    4. Select Label: Actor, Action: Attach Model to Unit.
    5. Select Model: BlueHeroOmniLightGround, Attach Point: Origin. For the last "field", select Unit. Then click the Value bullet. Select your hero and click OK.

    Voila! This trigger creates a "BlueHeroOmniLightGround" effect on your hero. Credit for this tutorial goes to s3rius, who attached a sample map below.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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