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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #11: Favouritism

    It looks great! And why shouldn't it be playable? Is it a FFA or a TD? If it's a TD, there's no problem at all.. if it's a FFA/Melee map, you could like place a fire when an unit enters a region, so that it can 'see' around there and eventually start expanding or so :P

    just an idea.. dunno the intentions of your map :)

    Quote from QMJ3: Go

    Why aren't any of these beautifully terrained maps on Battle.net? I'm sick of tower defense and pylon defense and photon defense and Nexus wars and desert strike... they're all the same damn map. lol

    I created my screenshots on a map which is the tiniest in the editor.. and all there's in there is the screenshot itself (and some background you don't really see).. it's not playable at all.. I must say that tiny maps are fun to 'touch-up' with lighting, doodads and such.. but large/huge/epic sized maps are a bit overwhelming when it comes to the fluffing... well, in My case that is :)

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #11: Favouritism

    Well.. this is my attempt for this weekly exercise.. I really like the Area 51 kind of maps.. so this is my attempt to it :P

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Change Doodads

    I've 'fixed' my problem bij creating a new trigger in which I send an actor message to each landinglight in the map (by selecting the item in the value).. it's a workaround but not a very convenient one... it seems that nobody knows what to put in 'Terms'... cause I guess that's the 'best way solution' or I'm totally misunderstanding the 'Send Actor Message to all that.. with class and terms' action :)

    However.... if somebody finds the solution, please let me know :) It's always better than creating an action 20+ times just to change the variation :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Change Doodads

    ok, I've come a little bit closer to the solution: Send Actor Message To Game Region With Filters

    this comes to

            Actor - Send actor message "ModelSwap LandingLights 0" to all actors that intersect game region Region 001 with their Contact Radius that belong to class "Doodad" and match Terms

    however, this changes every doodad in the region... I think that's where Terms comes in... However.. I have absolutely no clue to what to place in that string.. ive tried 'Landing Lights' (with and without space), model/actor=Landing lights and whatsoever... but it doesn't apply the effect that I want.. (only the landing lights to change, not my entire doodad fillings :P)

    anyone knows a solution... or what I have to place in Terms?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Change Doodads

    Hi there, I've been reading the forums for a while now, but I can't find the answer to my problem as of yet..

    I'm creating a map with a lava flow. This all works great but I'd want a couple of doodads to change their variation when the lava rises and lowers (from var 1 - red, to var 2 - green). I can do this with regions, so I created several regions around the doodads I want to change and combined it to BaseLights. then, in the Triggers, i created a new trigger:


    Melee Initialization
    Game - Map initalization
    Local Variables
    Actor - Send actor message "ModelSwap LandingLights 1" to all actors contained by game region BaseLights
    Visibility - Create a visibility revealer for player 1 within (Entire map)


    This works great on some of the doodads, but not all.. I've positioned the Square regions with the centre over the doodads, but some change, some do not.

    Is there a way that I can create a region over the entire map (circle) and have an If trigger that checks if the actor is LandingLights and then change it? cause this would stop the game from changing rocks and plants to LandingLights too :P

    Thanks in advance,


    ps. can't figure out how to use the markup in the editor... but this is more readable than how I first posted it :P

    Posted in: Triggers
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