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    posted a message on Upgrades not Working Properly
    Quote from Diablito816: Go

    @Menace651: Go

    You need to apply a requirement to the research ability where you define the upgrade. The requirement should have under "Show" first the Not Operator, and then equals, then count upgrade <that upgrade> queued or better equals 1.

    Figured it out. Plus I forgot to put in the requirment field "Learn Infantry Armor Level 1". This editor is defenitly much more complex than SC1's.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Upgrades not Working Properly

    I'm trying to move a bunch of upgrades to a single buidling(armory). I've added the upgrades and stacked them properly onto one button(example. upgrade terran weapons level 1,2,3 are in the same command card button). But when I upgrade in-game the first upgrade will work fine all the units will get the upgrade but the button dosn't go onto the second upgrade it just stays at the level 1 upgrade. I can keep clicking the button and upgrading but it dosn't do anything. How do I make it go onto the next upgrade? Any help appreciated.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Button to Access Command Cards?

    How do you make a button to access a different command card in a structure/unit like a probe or scv constructing advancded structures? I created a new button and added it to a building and put it as Command Type- submenu Comman Card- 2. Am I still missing something?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Trigger to Recognize Players In-game?

    @zeldarules28: Go

    Quote from zeldarules28: Go

    1: Welcome to sc2 mapster! 2: You can count the number of active players by assigning the number of players in the player group "active players" to a variable. Then you use an if then statement later and see how many players there are...Do you need specifics on how to do that or were you looking for the general idea? Send me a PM if you need some more info. NOTE: cpu players are considered "active" so if you have cpu players, they will add to your player count.

    Dosn't sound too hard. I'll give it a try. Thanks and sorry, bout posting in the wrong area.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trigger to Recognize Players In-game?

    Hi all! New here and I'm just starting to dive into the editor. I'm currently working on a map where I want the number of units spawned in a region to be based on the active players in-game. So for example if there are 4 active players still in-game, then spawn 15 units, but if active number of players in-game is 3 then only spawn 10 units. Is there any way for me to do this? Any help appreciated thanks.

    Posted in: Triggers
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