Well it helps. I understand the concept behind it. But I'm missing the knowledge to put it in practice. I'm trying to figure out how to change the angle when the ball reaches the wall at a certain angle. Trying to calculate which angle I should give it when it bounces off.
Well if this is trivial, please someone show me. lol I'm lost. I've been trying to understand the function setting in triggers. The tutorial is clear but I can't seam to get it to work properly. I'm starting to doubt my ability to make maps :(. I really want to do this.
Yes actualy I'm trying to follow this tutorial ATM. Not having much luck. I'm not sure how to implement these physics in the game. I want to make it so that both player need to be ready before the round starts. For this I figured Space would be the triggering key. Then its a matter of Spawning the ball and pushing it in either direction to start the round. I'm very confused threw all of this and I could really use a partner or someone to work on the map with me. I fear I am still too new for this project...
Cool. Unfortunately this is all jibberish to me. I'm not sure how to handle the triggering. I really could use someone to help me on figuring how to script all this.
I'm not asking for someone to do the work for me. But for someone to guide me threw it. I'm unfortunatly still learning all of this and I can't make heads or tails of this.
I've been trying to use Keyboardmovementlib to get my phoenix (using them as pads until I can model one)
For some reason I can't seam to change the key being pressed. I need to use the Up and Down only and I'm trying to change it to the A and D keys.
For some reason it works if its set up to W and down to S but When I set A to UP and D to down it just stands still. Does anyone have any thoughts on how I could fix this?
MovementRedPadMovementUpDownEventsUI-Player1pressesWkeyDownwithshiftAllow,controlAllow,altAllowLocalVariables-------Changetounityouwanttomovebykey-pressUnit=gMovementUnit<Unit>ConditionsActions-------Don't touch. General - Switch (Actions) depending on (Key Pressed) Cases General - If (W) Actions Variable - Set gMoveUpBool = true Default General - While (Conditions) are true, do (Actions) Conditions Actions General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions) If gMoveDwnBool == gMoveUpBool Then Unit - Order Unit to ( Move targeting relative points near ((Position of Unit) offset by 0 towards (CalcAngle(false, gMoveUpBool, false, gMoveDwnBool)) degrees)) (Replace Existing Orders) Else Unit - Order Unit to ( Move targeting relative points near ((Position of Unit) offset by 5.0 towards (CalcAngle(false, gMoveUpBool, false, gMoveDwnBool)) degrees)) (Replace Existing Orders) General - Wait 0.15 Game Time seconds MovementDownDown Events UI - Player 1 presses S key Down with shift Allow, control Allow, alt Allow Local Variables ------- Change to unit you want to move by key-press Unit = gMovementUnit <Unit> Conditions Actions ------- Don'ttouch.General-Switch(Actions)dependingon(KeyPressed)CasesGeneral-If(S)ActionsVariable-SetgMoveDwnBool=trueDefaultGeneral-While(Conditions)aretrue,do(Actions)ConditionsActionsGeneral-If(Conditions)thendo(Actions)elsedo(Actions)IfgMoveDwnBool==gMoveUpBoolThenUnit-OrderUnitto(Movetargetingrelativepointsnear((PositionofUnit)offsetby0towards(CalcAngle(false,gMoveUpBool,false,gMoveDwnBool))degrees))(ReplaceExistingOrders)ElseUnit-OrderUnitto(Movetargetingrelativepointsnear((PositionofUnit)offsetby5.0towards(CalcAngle(false,gMoveUpBool,false,gMoveDwnBool))degrees))(ReplaceExistingOrders)General-Wait0.15GameTimesecondsMovementUpUpUI-Player1pressesWkeyUpwithshiftExclude,controlExclude,altExcludeLocalVariablesConditionsActionsVariable-SetgMoveUpBool=falseTrigger-StopallinstancesofMovementUpDownGeneral-If(Conditions)thendo(Actions)elsedo(Actions)IfAndConditionsgMoveDwnBool==falseThenUnit-OrdergMovementUnitto(Stop)(ReplaceExistingOrders)ElseMovementDwnUpUI-Player1pressesSkeyUpwithshiftExclude,controlExclude,altExcludeLocalVariablesConditionsActionsVariable-SetgMoveDwnBool=falseTrigger-StopallinstancesofMovementDownDownGeneral-If(Conditions)thendo(Actions)elsedo(Actions)IfAndConditionsgMoveUpBool==falseThenUnit-OrdergMovementUnitto(Stop)(ReplaceExistingOrders)gMoveUpBool=false<Boolean>gMoveDwnBool=false<Boolean>gMovementUnit=Pads[15.00,32.00]<Unit>
Thanks a lot. I really appreciate the input. I was kinda lost as to how I should handle the problem. Now i'll just study your post because I have to admit. I don't fully understand it. I look forward to consulting you again on the matter!
Hello everyone! As you can plainly see from the title I'm trying to create a ping pong (basic) game. I've finished designing the map and I'm starting to do the brainstorming for the triggers. I havn't started yet and I thought I'd take this opportunity to ask on the forums for some guideline help. I'm not too sure how I'm going to get the pads moving only left and right on a straight line and for the ball to bounce back towards the enemy player. Any thoughts?
Hello there. I'm currently designing a melee map with a volcanic setting. The volcano is in the middle of the map.
I'm wondering how many isle i should do. Show I leave it open spaced or keep it narrow? Right now the 2 bases a linked by two rich mineral field platforms.
Does anyone want to lend in a hand? I'd like to finish this map today.
@Vexal: Go
Well it helps. I understand the concept behind it. But I'm missing the knowledge to put it in practice. I'm trying to figure out how to change the angle when the ball reaches the wall at a certain angle. Trying to calculate which angle I should give it when it bounces off.
@Vexal: Go
Well if this is trivial, please someone show me. lol I'm lost. I've been trying to understand the function setting in triggers. The tutorial is clear but I can't seam to get it to work properly. I'm starting to doubt my ability to make maps :(. I really want to do this.
@BasharTeg: Go
Thank you. I will look into this.
And yeah sure. Every bit of help is much appreciated. I'll upload the map and any pointers you could give me on how to approche this particular map.
@Chiquihuite: Go
Yes actualy I'm trying to follow this tutorial ATM. Not having much luck. I'm not sure how to implement these physics in the game. I want to make it so that both player need to be ready before the round starts. For this I figured Space would be the triggering key. Then its a matter of Spawning the ball and pushing it in either direction to start the round. I'm very confused threw all of this and I could really use a partner or someone to work on the map with me. I fear I am still too new for this project...
@TacoManStan: Go
Cool. Unfortunately this is all jibberish to me. I'm not sure how to handle the triggering. I really could use someone to help me on figuring how to script all this.
I'm not asking for someone to do the work for me. But for someone to guide me threw it. I'm unfortunatly still learning all of this and I can't make heads or tails of this.
Hello there. I've been working on a Ping Pong map. I finally got the Movement Working for the two pads.
My concept is a 3d environment but with a 2d Game style.
I'm trying to figure out how to make the ball move from left to right in the screen while bouncing off the sides and off the player pads.
I have to admit, I'm at a loss on how to even begin this triggering. Any insight?
I'm still having no luck with these triggers. Does anyone see the problem?
I've been trying to use Keyboardmovementlib to get my phoenix (using them as pads until I can model one)
For some reason I can't seam to change the key being pressed. I need to use the Up and Down only and I'm trying to change it to the A and D keys.
For some reason it works if its set up to W and down to S but When I set A to UP and D to down it just stands still. Does anyone have any thoughts on how I could fix this?
So. Any thoughts?
Does anyone know of a way to make a unit move on the sides only and have a camera following it? never rotating just sliding to the left and right.
@Juxtapozition: Go
Thanks a lot. I really appreciate the input. I was kinda lost as to how I should handle the problem. Now i'll just study your post because I have to admit. I don't fully understand it. I look forward to consulting you again on the matter!
Hello everyone! As you can plainly see from the title I'm trying to create a ping pong (basic) game. I've finished designing the map and I'm starting to do the brainstorming for the triggers. I havn't started yet and I thought I'd take this opportunity to ask on the forums for some guideline help. I'm not too sure how I'm going to get the pads moving only left and right on a straight line and for the ball to bounce back towards the enemy player. Any thoughts?
Hello everyone. Here is a 1v1 map I created in around 3 hours today. I'm still workin' on the mineral placement so that the game play is smooth.
I took a few pictures from the editor which I will post. I published the map. I'm not sure if I should post the map without it being locked.
@TheAlmaity: Go
Cool thanks for the pointer. I'll go grab some pictures now :D
I can do better than that. Here is the map itself. (not finished).
Hello there. I'm currently designing a melee map with a volcanic setting. The volcano is in the middle of the map.
I'm wondering how many isle i should do. Show I leave it open spaced or keep it narrow? Right now the 2 bases a linked by two rich mineral field platforms.
Does anyone want to lend in a hand? I'd like to finish this map today.