Also, I was wondering if it was at all possible to set up say the marine model to act like a tank. To have bellow the hips moving with the wasd and over the hips move with the cursor position?
Hello everyone! I've been looking around at the traceline tutorials and forums posts on insight on how I could make my Top view shooter.
Most of these tutorials took in consideration the height and a lot of other variables that I don't believe I would need for a top view shooter. I've been trying to work with something of my own using bits and pieces of tutorials here and there. Its not pretty. I could really use some help.
Here is my code and the map used for testing this.
Variable - Set Target Unit = (Random Living unit from (Units in P1 Click Point having alliance Enemy with player 1 matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount))
Variable - Set Traceline.targetpoint[0] = (Point((Mouse X position clicked in the world), (Mouse Y position clicked in the world)))
Region - Move P1 Click Point to Traceline.targetpoint[0]
Variable - Set Traceline.playerpoint[0] = (Position of Player Unit[0])
Unit - Make Player Unit[0] face (Center of P1 Click Point) over 0.0 seconds
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
1 <= Distance <= 20
(Target Unit is in P1 Click Point) == true
Animation - Play Attack animation for (Actor for Player Unit[0]) as Default, using No Options options and Default Time blend time
Environment - Deal damage using Marine - Guass Rifle (Damage) on Target Unit from Player Unit[0] with 0.0 extra damage
Hey guys. I'm working on a little side project on my free time and I've been thinking of a cool play style that I think could be possible with the galaxy editor.
God of war style game.
Now I've already got the WASD movement and camera controls working flawlessly and I've got a nice hotkey system which allows for a very fast paced game.
(Test in multiplayer = delay is killing the "fast paced" in the game. Making this a single player campaign)
I was wondering if it would be at all possible to make an interactive cinematic using triggers as the fight is happening.
Say at 50% the boss weakens and you get a Warning telling you to spam space to initiate the impale action thingy.
The camera changes and takes a nice close up view near the boss unit. Your unit takes position in-front of the unit in question. The boss play's an attack animation and your unit simulates dodging the attacks. As you spam the required buttons which would be displayed on screen in sequence your unit would animate a series of carefully placed hits on the unit. Dealing damage and once the sequence is complete the action scene changes to either an other or reset back to the normal gameplay view.
I've got a unit (brutalisk from the campaign).
I made a camera close up to the brutalisk.
Now I'm wondering how do I make sure the camera faces the correction angle of the boss during the boss fight. Since engaging the boss is probably going to make him move and how to enable this whole cinematics. is it at all possible? If so could anyone please point me in the right direction. Thanks!
Hello everyone! I decided to re-create the old school bounty style map. It was quite popular back in the sc1 day's. I created 120 regions on a grid. My goal is to make artistic explosions stylized as mazes that the player using zerglings, of course, would navigate. Who ever reaches the end wins that round. So I set on my task. I decided that the best approche to this problem would be to have two sides. Vertical and horizontal lines. One has 10 the other 12. So I created two variables (regions) with array's begun on the task of setting it all up.
Then I created my first Action Def. I really enjoyed making my own action. Its quite satisfactory. Anyway. I've coded my map as best as I could but I have to admit i'm kinda lost on how to do this. I can seam to get my schemes working properly and my explosions aren't working as they should. I'll copy the code of one of my functions that is supposed to activate a line and the function that I used to try to make them all start at the same time.
Ow and I need to figure out how to kill the unit that is in the same location as the explosion I'm creating.
I also uploaded the map itself. I'm pretty sure my approche is wrong and I'd really like to figure out a way to make this work.
Line1Options:ActionReturnType:(None)ParametersI=0<Integer>GrammarText:Line1(I)HintText:(None)CustomScriptCodeLocalVariablesMineGroup=(Emptyunitgroup)<UnitGroup>ActionsGeneral-Repeat(Actions)NumberofBombstimesActionsUnit-Create1G-4ClusterbombforplayerMinesIDat(Centerof1[I]) using default facing (No Options)
Variable - Set Mine Unit = (Last created unit)
Unit - Turn Mine Unit Status Bar state Off
Unit Group - Add (Last created unit) to Mine Group
General - Wait 0.5 Game Time seconds
Unit Group - Pick each unit in Mine Group and do (Actions)
Unit - Kill (Picked unit)
Something similar happened to be. Except I was the driver and the biker was not a biker but a Small kid.
I'm about to start backing up with my vehicle at a gas station. I look behind me. Nothing. I look at my two rear mirrors. Nothing. I keep looking out of my back window and start backing up and what do I see right next to my window a few seconds after. You guessed it. A small kid. about 3 foot tall. He was walking behind my car only seconds before I started backing up. I look at the kid, horrified because had I started backing up 5 seconds earlier he would have been under my car! I start looking around for a parent because in my opinion, you don't leave a kid that young walking around in a parking lot of a busy gas station (there's a mcdonald's in the same building, I'm assuming thats where the small family was heading.) only to see the mother who was caring a younger baby talking with her mother (probably, old women white hair.) on the other side of the freaking parking lot. So she left he kid walking around in a parking lot without any supervision. I almost squashed a kid because of fail parenting. That was the scariest moment every for me in a car and I did some pretty crazy stuff with my car (ex.: drifting at 160KM/h on the high way... lol)
What you are trying to achieve is awesome. But I'm trying to make a dungeon style sc2 campaign. The only warcraft models i would probably use are elementals.
Hello everyone! I'm currently looking for people to do Wow style dungeon maps. The ultimate goal is to create an entire campaign. Looking for good terrainers, trigger-men, data editors.
I aim to use as much of sc2 content as possible but I will probably use some wow models.
@zeldarules28: Go
Tbh the data editor scares me and when I try to create something it usually doesn't work. Perhaps someone could point me in the right direction?
@TacoManStan: Go
Yes I just saw that. I'll move it up and update.
Alright Now its working but How do I make my unit constantly face the position of my unit while he keeps running in the other direction?
Also, I was wondering if it was at all possible to set up say the marine model to act like a tank. To have bellow the hips moving with the wasd and over the hips move with the cursor position?
Hello everyone! I've been looking around at the traceline tutorials and forums posts on insight on how I could make my Top view shooter.
Most of these tutorials took in consideration the height and a lot of other variables that I don't believe I would need for a top view shooter. I've been trying to work with something of my own using bits and pieces of tutorials here and there. Its not pretty. I could really use some help.
Here is my code and the map used for testing this.
This is to be looked into. Will give you feedback.
Hey guys. I'm working on a little side project on my free time and I've been thinking of a cool play style that I think could be possible with the galaxy editor.
God of war style game.
Now I've already got the WASD movement and camera controls working flawlessly and I've got a nice hotkey system which allows for a very fast paced game.
(Test in multiplayer = delay is killing the "fast paced" in the game. Making this a single player campaign)
I was wondering if it would be at all possible to make an interactive cinematic using triggers as the fight is happening.
Say at 50% the boss weakens and you get a Warning telling you to spam space to initiate the impale action thingy.
The camera changes and takes a nice close up view near the boss unit. Your unit takes position in-front of the unit in question. The boss play's an attack animation and your unit simulates dodging the attacks. As you spam the required buttons which would be displayed on screen in sequence your unit would animate a series of carefully placed hits on the unit. Dealing damage and once the sequence is complete the action scene changes to either an other or reset back to the normal gameplay view.
I've got a unit (brutalisk from the campaign). I made a camera close up to the brutalisk.
Now I'm wondering how do I make sure the camera faces the correction angle of the boss during the boss fight. Since engaging the boss is probably going to make him move and how to enable this whole cinematics. is it at all possible? If so could anyone please point me in the right direction. Thanks!
@LosTacos: Go
Alright nice this takes care of the dying unit part.
Hello everyone! I decided to re-create the old school bounty style map. It was quite popular back in the sc1 day's. I created 120 regions on a grid. My goal is to make artistic explosions stylized as mazes that the player using zerglings, of course, would navigate. Who ever reaches the end wins that round. So I set on my task. I decided that the best approche to this problem would be to have two sides. Vertical and horizontal lines. One has 10 the other 12. So I created two variables (regions) with array's begun on the task of setting it all up.
Then I created my first Action Def. I really enjoyed making my own action. Its quite satisfactory. Anyway. I've coded my map as best as I could but I have to admit i'm kinda lost on how to do this. I can seam to get my schemes working properly and my explosions aren't working as they should. I'll copy the code of one of my functions that is supposed to activate a line and the function that I used to try to make them all start at the same time.
Ow and I need to figure out how to kill the unit that is in the same location as the explosion I'm creating.
I also uploaded the map itself. I'm pretty sure my approche is wrong and I'd really like to figure out a way to make this work.
== Starcraft 2: Bosses and Dungeons ==
What is it?
Starcraft 2: B&D is a group of maps based on the starcraft theme with the dungeon aspect of WoW or any other large scale MMORPG.
What type of gameplay is to be anticipated?
Fast paced strategy boss encounters. I'm personally not a great fan of the static tank and spank and I would like to avoid it as much as possible.
Release date?
Team needs members
Send me a PM. I'm looking for everything.
Something similar happened to be. Except I was the driver and the biker was not a biker but a Small kid.
I'm about to start backing up with my vehicle at a gas station. I look behind me. Nothing. I look at my two rear mirrors. Nothing. I keep looking out of my back window and start backing up and what do I see right next to my window a few seconds after. You guessed it. A small kid. about 3 foot tall. He was walking behind my car only seconds before I started backing up. I look at the kid, horrified because had I started backing up 5 seconds earlier he would have been under my car! I start looking around for a parent because in my opinion, you don't leave a kid that young walking around in a parking lot of a busy gas station (there's a mcdonald's in the same building, I'm assuming thats where the small family was heading.) only to see the mother who was caring a younger baby talking with her mother (probably, old women white hair.) on the other side of the freaking parking lot. So she left he kid walking around in a parking lot without any supervision. I almost squashed a kid because of fail parenting. That was the scariest moment every for me in a car and I did some pretty crazy stuff with my car (ex.: drifting at 160KM/h on the high way... lol)
Anyway. I'm glad you are alright man.
@Terminator8: Go
What you are trying to achieve is awesome. But I'm trying to make a dungeon style sc2 campaign. The only warcraft models i would probably use are elementals.
Hello everyone! I'm currently looking for people to do Wow style dungeon maps. The ultimate goal is to create an entire campaign. Looking for good terrainers, trigger-men, data editors.
I aim to use as much of sc2 content as possible but I will probably use some wow models.
Scv's still won't go repair odin. here is how i tried to fix the problem myself.
This is my trigger to say when to spawn the scv's.
And the order now.
@Nerfpl: Go
Yes Odin is mechanical. The scv's are just not moving when they spawn. Its kinda odd.
@Vexal: Go
Yeah that trigger doesn't exist anymore.
My bomb spawn trigger looks like this now.
Neat. I'm actualy working on my own version of that. Still very early in development.