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    posted a message on Life

    I searched for Game of Life on EU and found these two games, however I did not find the game seen in the video.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Life

    God, this looks AWESOME!

    I'm a bit worried about the replayability though :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Need Opinions On Difficulty Settings

    @SkrowFunk: Go

    You could make players vote for mixed/nonmixed difficulties at start of the map. Nobody can complain then.

    And about the difficulty. You can set maxhealth/health whenever you spawn a unit, instead of using handicap.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Fun or Not ratings

    @Kildare88: Go

    I've experienced several times aswell, that new players skip the tutorial of my map and go straight to the hard difficulty, fails at first creep (its a TD) and complains about the poor quality of the map.

    I didn't even bother to answer when they said that.

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on Fun or Not ratings

    @IliIilI: Go

    God, I totally forgot about Map Night >.< You should've told me!

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on Need Opinions On Difficulty Settings

    I'd say use mixed difficulty for survival mode, and
    2) All players vote on difficulty, a tie goes to the easier difficulty setting.
    for competitive mode.

    Also, as Karawasa said, you should have all difficulties available for online play. I see no reason to not have all difficulties included. If you're worried about players voting for either easy or extreme, just disable those two gamemodes in competitive play, or only make extreme available if all players have played the game at least X amount of times or beaten it at X difficulty.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on What could this be..
    Quote from SkrowFunk: Go

    I've heard that your brain becomes more creative while you're laying down. That, combined with the absence of other distracting thoughts, turns that sleepy time period into a well of magnificent ideas.

    Does that mean you will come up with better game concepts if you lie awake at night, than if you were sitting in front of your computer?

    If so, I'm gonna stay awake all night the next couple of weeks, and get some crazy, innovative game idea which will make me rich and have loads of minions in my own AAA-title company.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on What could this be..

    I don't know, but I suffer from the same. I even wake up at night thinking about new ideas, forgetting that I actually should be trying to fall asleep again.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Light Time's Night: a new way to play

    @Ash4meD: Go

    That doesn't make Neonsz statement wrong.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Display path of mobs on the ground (in a maze td)

    The thing that OneTwo (the one who made the TD you're refering to) did was to have an invisible unit run the map, and then create these lights every X seconds at its current position. Give the lights a timed life behavior or use triggers to drestroy them afterwards.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Region Issues
            General - For each integer INTEGER from 1 to 298 with increment 1, do (Actions)
                    General - Custom Script: gv_area[lv_iNTEGER] = RegionFromId(lv_iNTEGER);

    This is how my trigger looks like, and it works perfectly.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [MOD] sc2ae

    This looks just so cool! I gotta try it out later today when I've got the time. :)


    Stone Zealot. Very long and powerful ranged attack vs structures. Strong melee ground area attack vs units. This attack damages friendly units too.

    Would it be an idea to make it attackable by air aswell, like the Colossus?


    Predator. Melee fast unit. The damage inflicted by a predator is increased with every predator attacking the same unit. It is organic and mechanical at the same time so it can be healed by SCVs, medics and science vessels.

    It seems a little weird and unusual that the Predator is biological. However, it do make sense that it can be healed by allies.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on I don't remember the name of this map.. HELP pls? :)

    Have you tried searching for Hero Defence?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Region Issues

    I used RegionFromID in one of my own maps, which worked. The thing is, that you have to place all of the regions in the order you need them, to use RegionFromID. What I done in my map, was to make an initialization trigger with a for each to put all of the regions into a region array. Then, I could just call the regions from the array when I needed them.

    I hope this helped. Reply if you still got issues, or if I should clarify anything.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Plants VS Zombies, Starcraft 2 style

    Something like this, just in multiplayer? The concept sounds really cool, I don't have the time to help you out though. I wish you good luck with finding a team, and if you don't mind, please notify me when/if the map is done.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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