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    posted a message on Zombie defence development
    Quote from zenx1: Go

    I dont know about you, but I think the bosses should be nearly stationary. I like that you dont have to run around all the time, but just to dodge the spells.(maybe not 0 movement speed, but perhaps a bit slower).

    I'd suggest you to keep a good balance between stationary bosses and constant moving bosses. Movement can be just as creative and unique as spells, but most people tend to overlook it.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Fun or Not ratings
    Quote from IliIilI: Go

    Achievements and shop items are awesome. But I think I had too much points I could almost buy everything in the shop. It should be more expensive.

    I think the low prices are for test purposes. The shop was added not too long ago.

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on Gaining minerals for killing units

    You might have disabled the category fields, so the "Combat -" tag won't show up. You can still find the field by searching for Kill Resource or browsing through the list until you find it.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Full UI - Resolution how does it work?

    For the below UI, you need 5 dialogs. You need to have the middle one behind the others to make it look proper on all aspect ratios. It will then take up the rest of the space that is left on wide screens.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on [Revived!] Map Night
    Quote from TheAlmaity: Go


    Show up, or else.*

    • Or else... Well, you know, nothing. Just wanna sound intimidating and all, y'know. Just show up, mkay?

    Just saving everyone the time it takes to read the tiny text :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on To put things in perspective ... how big is yours?
    Quote from ZealNaga: Go

    And besides, if your map fails to be popular this was all done for nothing...

    Most people mod because they enjoy it; not because of popularity.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Hotkey Trainer

    Attach the map to your post if you expect people to download it.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Help, online gameplay is faster than document test when both are set to normal speed.
    Quote from zeldarules28: Go

    To fix this, you can just set the game speed to normal in the melee initialization trigger.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Spring Melee Map


    Posted in: Melee Development
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    posted a message on [M] 1v1 Split Hope
    Quote from Prodigga: Go

    (example: Why are their cars on a platform that doesn't even have enough room for them to turn around, lol).

    Haha, I have been wondering that too :D They are probably put there because they are awaiting pickup from one of the space ships. :)

    Back on topic, I do like the map's design much better now that the additional paths have been made. However, visually, I think it still has some lacks. The lowground around the actual map seems very empty. While that may be the look you're going for, I still think you should add some rocks, plants, cliffs, heigh variation and textureplay. That would add a lot to the visuals. I would suggest you to do the same for the actual map (not the cliffs though). Foliage looks great in a barren terrain, as long as you don't over-do it.

    Posted in: Melee Development
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    posted a message on [M] 1v1 Split Hope
    Quote from Prodigga: Go

    I am just doing a comparison in my head between custom maps and the melee maps used on the ladder. I am in an interactive entertainment course at uni, I play starcraft, and so i jumped right in to mapping. I don't a lot of exposure to custom maps, so i wont be able to provide you with links. The ladder maps are very clean and uncluttered, and some user maps seem to have detail here and there just because a cool doodad exists and they want to use it. (They'll have inaccessible cliffs just for the sake of putting down Colonist huts and fancy Wind Turbines). Now ok, aesthetically, this is fine. They 'work' with the map. but it doesn't add anything to it. thats what I mean by 'having it there for the sake of having it there'.

    Reference to my map? :D To my defense, I didn't place doodads because I liked the models, I placed them to fill out empty space. That doesn't look good either.

    Posted in: Melee Development
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    posted a message on [M] (2) Lunar Remnants

    @Mozared: Go

    I've tried making the top of the main man-made, which looks decent enough.

    Replacing the center area with a rock texture looks way better than with sand. It kinda blends into the cliff.

    Replacing the sand area with a rock texture looks good too, but I'm worried if it would trick the player into thinking it's an unpathable area. I am currently considering, if I were better off just replacing the whole highground with metallic borders and textures.

    I've taken a few screenshots of the areas.

    Posted in: Melee Development
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    posted a message on [Official Release] Photon Discs

    Inspired by Photon Cycles?

    Anyway, I'd love to play this. Sadly, it's available to NA only :(

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [M] (2) Lunar Remnants

    Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it. Let me answer them one at a time.

    Quote from Mozared: Go

    -I still don't like those main bases. The metal-border-littlebitofsand-cliffborder combination just doesn't work. Maybe try making just the main ramps man-made cliff? Then you can paint them with a metallic texture and close off both ends with the coloured decals you've been using. This would allow you to paint the rest of the base with a metal-with-swept-over-sand-on-it texture. Either that, or draw the texture/decal/sand border further away from the cliff edge, like you've got for the side expo's.

    Would you consider the attached image as an improvement?

    Quote from Mozared: Go

    -The middle looks great now, though I think you're better off just painting the whole thing metallic; right now you've left those two side areas open. It's a nifty little touch, but I think it doesn't work well enough.

    I won't remove the borders, but I've made them look more natural. Making the whole platform metallic would require me to put a man-made cliff at the end, which would then ruin my beautiful spikey hole. :(

    Quote from Mozared: Go

    -The asteroid rocks with crystals in them... See if you can find a replacement doodad. Their different style of colour makes them feel a bit iffy. Maybe Xil rocks instead? Or the 'Xil Rock Arch'?

    Thanks for spotting it. I've replaced them with the 'Spires' and 'Spires Large' doodads.

    Quote from Mozared: Go

    -The entire body of your map could use some more height play. Start up StarCraft 2, find a game of Income Wars, see what I've done with my Xil terrain there. I won't say "copy it", but it'll demonstrate how Xil dunes are really lenient towards height play and how creating dunes can make a map feel pretty cozy.


    Posted in: Melee Development
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    posted a message on How do you even upload your map?
    Quote from Eiviyn: Go

    File->Publish->Accept is too much?

    This is all you have to do.

    Quote from Chrush: Go

    i want them to be seen, because i put a lot of work in them.

    Battle.net 2.0 is not made to "get your maps seen". It's made to show the maps being played the most, and nothing more.

    Posted in: General Chat
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