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    posted a message on Splodes

    Here is an awesome idea for a game!

    Not sure is someone already made it but here:

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/rNU3g_LHDGk?fs=1
    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Data Editor too complicated for me

    All in all, you just need to mess around with the editor. I have been, and right now, I am creating a td right myself. And I have 5 different turrets and one with a requirement. Each with a different weapon with strength's and weaknesses. Look up tutorials, for example OneTwoSC has some good tutorials for all kinds of games.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Data Editor too complicated for me

    @Phrosen: Go


    Well what you want to do with the probe is either duplicate it or just edit the original. I usually edit the original, anyway, you are going to want to remove everything on the command card except move, stop, warp in structure, and if you want warp in advanced structure. Now do into submenu 2 and remove everything except cancel. and do the same with submenu 3. Ok, here comes the (sort-of) hard part, when the probe is selected look at the bottom part of the screen, bottom left, where it shows a list of actors, models, abilities. Look under ablilities, and there should be Probe - Build, click on that. on the right there should be something that show Nexus, Forge, etc either click or double click on the nexus one. a window should pop up, scroll all the way down and it should say Unit - Nexus, change this to your unit. While your there also edit the time to create the turret. Now, all you need to do is the button. Go to the buttons tab, go to build/warp in Nexus and either duplicate it or edit the original, now click on the button and look to the right, change the name, tooltip, and picture. You'll easily fighure that out. Now your newly created icon should auto switch to the buttion you created. If not go back to the Unit - Nexus thing, click on Nexus, first dropdown, find your button, pat yourself on the back, because you should be done!



    Ps, if you have ANY problems relating the data editor PM me, I might give you an answer if I know how to do it.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Turret Help

    Do the bumpty bump!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Turret Help

    Ok, so I have a turret...And I changed its weapon, I changed from auto turret weapon thing, to the Battlecrusier ATS laserbattery(whatever its called).
    And for some reason it's shooting out of the bottom of the turret...not from the barrel of the gun. I made a flamethrower turret and that seems to work.
    And another question I have a basic turret and it has the same weapons and everything, but when it fires there is no sound or animation.



    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on The Guess Why Your Username is What it is Game

    You are actually pretty closer than expected, here is the answer:

    I always use 12toe for usernames because almost 80%-90% of the time it isn't used, and if it is I just slap Mr on it...

    yeah, pretty hard....

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on The Guess Why Your Username is What it is Game

    @AegisRunestone: Go

    Ugh, so it's not an mmo?

    the only other blizzard game that isnt an mmo is sc1...but yeah, idk maybe warcraft?

    here is a hint for mine, just kidding! hahah :D


    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on The Guess Why Your Username is What it is Game

    "my god I think he's got it!"

    It's a runestone from *drumroll* WORLD OF WARCRAFT!

    (I better be right, or ill keep posting for a LONG time....)


    Ps. Good luck, again...

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on The Guess Why Your Username is What it is Game

    @AegisRunestone: Go

    My time to shine once again! It's Runestone because you need runestones to cast spells? Correct?

    No one can ever guess mine!!(One of thee hardest ones on this post)

    muhahaha! >=)

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Making Icons for requests

    Where do I save these files to? I'm interested in some of them.. :D


    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Player Help

    W00T! I got it to work nicely!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on The Guess Why Your Username is What it is Game

    YOU ARE A GUY WITH A SWORD AegisRunestone?

    Good Luck To Guess Mine!

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Player Help

    @Ultimaswc3: Go

    So basically I make ONE player group variable, set all the players to that group, then use your trigger?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Player Help

    @Ultimaswc3: Go

    Wait a minute....ok, i get what you say, so I went into the trigger editor, Made the Player Group (Do i create 4 for each person? Or just one for everybody?) with an array of 3. Went into the initialization and created the action Set Variable... here is what it looks like:

    Set Player Start Group[0] = Value

    When I click value where do I go? because it seems that i cannot add one player to each array value ([0] = Player 1, [1] = Player 2, [2] = Player 3, [4] = Player 4). Would I just not make the variable an array and use all players? Or Convert Player to player group?

    I'm stumped... :[


    Edit: Found the action a second after posting this....I hate it when that happens. Anyway now all i need to do is pick a random player...How would I do this?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Player Help

    Ok, I was inspired by the Phantom game and I wanted to create my own version like it...but much much smaller and simplier. (the scale for everything is .4 teehee!)
    Anyway, there are 4 players and one is going to be the 'Guy' (haven't come up with a name) and they get more minerals and stuff...
    I have looked around and tried some things and all failed...How could I do this?

    I'm guessing that I need a variable that has an array of 3 and have each player as a number. at the start of the game, pick a random number in the array and he/her becomes the 'Guy' But how would I give him/her the extra stuff?

    Posted in: Triggers
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