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    posted a message on Another save bug

    @Eiviyn: Go

    I'm not really sure what it could be. I'm positive I saved. The preview for the file when I go to load it is the correct preview, but the actual map loaded isn't correct. Could you be more specific about a "local" issue?

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Another save bug

    Anybody just have the editor completely fail to save without giving you an error or anything?

    I was editing a map doing mainly terrain changes. I tested it a few times to see what the terrain changes look like in game. After I was satisfied with some of my work, I copied and pasted some triggers and data (just one new unit) from a different map. I fixed up a few things to make sure that the triggers all didn't have errors and fired up the map for a test. To my surprise, the map showed a much older save that didn't have any of the large terrain changes I made. When I went back to the editor it showed the changes that I made, but when I tested it the changes weren't there.

    I eventually closed the editor and reloaded the map. The changes weren't there anymore! Even the triggers and data were gone. I have no idea what happened. The preview for the map even shows my terrain changes, but the actual map doesn't have them. It's ridiculous. There are floating doodads from where there should be terrain.

    Anybody had this problem before? Is there a fix? I'm so angry at all the time that I spent editing that map just to have the editor not save it.

    tl;dr Editor did not save the changes in my map. I didn't get any errors. Is there a way to recover it?

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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