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    posted a message on Save Map as Mod Issue

    Thanks guys, this worked for me!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Select Builder issue

    Hi there, Hate to dig up an old issue, but does anyone know the specific build order this post refers to? Basically I'm working on adding a unit to the factory, and it seems whatever slot I use that Siege Tanks start using the Select Builder icon whilst in construction. Similar problem with Zerg Larva too...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Save Map as Mod Issue

    Well yes, it would have been best to start as a mod, but it is far too late for that. Copying back and forth is more time consuming, but more importantly doesn't seem to work 100%. I can copy over Effects then Abilities then Requirements/So forth, but it seems to lost the interrelationships between them, and so abilities no longer have the new effect attached and thus do not work properly. Furthermore it will not replace/update existing entries I've changed, and instead will make 'copies', that I would then have to sort/delete/update.

    All in all very messy to try and copy and past.

    Simply copying over would only save me a little time, and I would have to go through all my data to verify.

    I do appreciate the suggestion.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Save Map as Mod Issue

    Based on my reading there are 2 ways of exporting your Map file's Data information into a Mod.

    Option A) Remove Units/Doodads/Points/Etc. Save the file, then rename the file extension to .mod

    Option B) Extract XML files via MPQ tool and then paste these into a new map file.

    So I have not been able to get either option to work... Option A seemed to work, but I could not delete the terrain, and now when I open the map in the editor it seems to randomly choose the terrain of the original map file I made into a mod and used as a dependency for the true map I wish to use.

    Would you gents have any suggestions?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making a Shield Restore ability...

    Hi there, whilst hardly original, I'm trying to make an ability that would restore a friendly unit's shield using its own energy. I've started by making a validator for .5 shield strength, and making an effect that will restore 5 shields (and costs 5 energy) I've based this effect on the science vessel. I've made my ability, with filters and such, and a button, and placed the ability on a Protoss structure.

    So the fascinating issue is... that the ability seems to only be casting 'sometimes' like when a unit is at the right angle or some such. I've given the structure 'free rotate' as a turret. Furthermore, there is no graphical effect... I figure I probably just need to make an actor and link it, but I'm more concerned about this odd behavior.

    Help? :)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Using Camapaign units for reference

    Hi there, been working on making numerous units to add to the standard SC Game, however, I'm using many models from the campaign (but not all!), so I have the campaign dependencies in.

    The result is that I can place/copy/reference the campaign units, fantastic.

    But no matter what I do the damned Terrans have all of these units, I just need campaign info for reference and so I can use their models/actors, I don't actually want campaign units to be available.

    How do I disable the campaign from use in game, but have the various units available in the editor? Or, how do I use them to make my units, and then how can I remove the campaign dependencies and retain my unit's models/etc, which used the campaign for reference.

    Typically I am not 'duplicating' items, I am always adding objects and basing them off of others as it seems to avoid allot of cluttering, is this wrong? I don't mind telling you that I'm at my whit's end, I have been reading forums for a few weeks now and have not been able to figure this out.

    Thanks for any help!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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