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    posted a message on Issues with Fog of War?

    @deliopen: Go

    Well, nvm I guess. I changed some of the terrain (i.e. added cliffs, raised terrain) and the shadows no longer glitch. Yay :)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Issues with Fog of War?

    Hello, I'm new to the map editor, but am having issues with any maps I create using the "Space Platform" or "Xel'Naga World Ship" tilesets. Any time I create a map using them, the fog of war where your units have seen but cannot see at the moment (Grey Mask) have a glitchy set of lines above them. I think this has to do with my default settings in the editor, however, because if I change any of the Blizzard or other community made maps to these tilesets, or open a map created originally with them, the FOW works just fine. I'm just wondering if anyone else has had the same issue, or if I need to change some default setting. I'll try and attach one of the maps, to also see if it is just my comp, and to try and figure out what is the issue.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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