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    posted a message on Shadows

    Hey all, how can I disable the shadows being cast by a unit / building? thanks

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Trigger for camera rotation?

    Thanks for the reply! I just tried both and while it does rotate the camera, I dont actually see the rotation if that makes any sense. The game camera just starts out at a weird angle. Trying to make it so the camera I set up slowly rotates around this point I placed in the center map

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Trigger for camera rotation?

    Hey all, Im trying to create a opening camera scene for my map. I want the camera to rotate around a spot, while always looking at that spot. Kinda like how a planet rotates around the sun. How would I go about doing this?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Help with spawning issue

    Hey all,

    So I set up a spawn system for my tower defense, where it spawns 1 unit every .5 seconds until it spawns 30 units. The spawning is working fine, but I get an issue with my leaderboard and when a unit dies. Its suppose to increase the player kill count by 1 and add minerals to the player, but it only does this after the 30th unit of that wave spawned. So if I kill any units before that 30th one spawns, I will get no minerals and it wont count towards my player kills. After it spawns, I recieve minerals and the leaderboard works properly for every kill after it. This is only a issue with the first wave, all waves after this have no issue with the last unit at all. In sc2 it says theres an error in my function unit dies, it says something about arrayunderflow. Here are some screenshots of my triggers. Thanks!



    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Burrowed tower?

    Hey all I have a quick question. I made a duplicate of my spore crawler tower and changed the models and weapons and all that to a infestor model / roach weapon. It works fine in game, does everything its suppose to except one thing, when I create the infestor tower it shows the infestor as if he was burrowed. I cant find anything in the data editor on how to make him unburrowed, can anyone help?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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