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    posted a message on [Question] Creating Items, Picking them up, and spawning

    @BasicGear: Go

    Doesnt help.

    I am pretty sure i will need to change the ownership of the items via triggers. So the only thing I really want to know right now is why isnt the offset working?

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    posted a message on [Question] Creating Items, Picking them up, and spawning
    Okay, I have a hero. this hero spawns items. This is what I want to do: 1. be able to pickup items with hero, regardless of who dropped the item or if it was created at start for Neutral. 2. be able to spawn an item from a hero ability, but the item will not have ownership by the spawning hero, i.e. give to neutral. 3. if possible, I would like the item to spawn on the ground, instead of in the inventory as it is doing now. This is what I got: [UNITS] Hero - added Inventory - added Levelup - added Learn - added various buttons DummyItem - linked to DummyItem (item) [ABILITIES] Inventory Learn - added SpawnDummyItem SpawnDummyItem - set as Train type - trains DummyItem (unit) [BEHAVIORS] Levelup [BUTTONS] DummyItem Learn [ACTORS] Hero - set to model Ghost. DummyItem - set to model Crate. [ITEMS] DummyItem - attached DummyItem (button) as Face. - set Class to DummyItemClass (itemclass) [ITEMCLASSES] DummyItemClass
    The names of units, abilities, items, etc have been changed, but the rest follows form. So far, my hero can only pickup items that he spawns himself. I want him to be able to pickup existing ones, as the map is designed to be a race to gather items and reach the goal to win. The spawn ability does technically work, just it spawns into the inventory and it belongs to that player. There are various other setting not mentioned that I dont believe are relevant, if you think otherwise, please dont hesitate to ask.
    (#1) Figured out the picking up part, I had forgot to link to items, thus it didnt register that it was able to be picked up, lol. (#2) Works now via trigger. For those interested, I am using Event: Unit Created (by ability), Action: Change Owner of (Created Unit) to player 0. (#3) Offset doesnt work in the ability (type: train) - offset.
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Need help with Hero ability

    Now, how to keep the radar from showing on the minimap? it wont do me any good for the other players to see the radars and thus know their location.


    Found it. Flag on the actor, range flag minimap

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    posted a message on Need help with Hero ability

    Thank you, I followed your tut and it works almost completely. The only problem is that the ability seems to have a point in it from the start and thus is already active.


    Nevermind, I figured it out, forgot to set the requirements for the other levels and they activated.

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    posted a message on Need help with Hero ability


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    posted a message on Need help with Hero ability

    I am creating a ghost hero with an ability I am calling Clairvoyance, which acts like a radar. Each level will add range to the radar as well. I've watched several tutorials but I am still stumped.

    Here's what I got so far:


    • Ghost Hero
      • added Ghost Learn (ability)
      • added Clairvoyance (ability)
      • added Ghost Level (behavior)
      • command card(1)
        • Learn (button) as Submenu (2) > Ghost Learn
      • command card(2)
        • Clairvoyance (button) as Ability Command > Ghost Learn > (?, no command to activate)


    • Clairvoyance (actor)
      • events:
        • Behavior.Clairvoyance1.Off
          • Create
        • Behavior.Clairvoyance2.Off
          • Create
        • Behavior.Clairvoyance3.Off
          • Create


    • Clairvoyance (ability)
      • added values: Clairvoyance1 (behavior), Clairvoyance2 (behavior), Clairvoyance3 (behavior)
    • Ghost Learn (ability)
      • set to learn Clairvoyance (ability)


    • Ghost Hero - Level (behavior)
      • levels in increments of 10, up to lv4
    • Clairvoyance 1 (behavior)
      • range (10)
    • Clairvoyance 2 (behavior)
      • range (15)
    • Clairvoyance 3 (behavior)
      • range (20)


    • Clairvoyance 1 (effect)
      • set to apply behavior > Clairvoyance 1
    • Clairvoyance 2 (effect)
      • set to apply behavior > Clairvoyance 2
    • Clairvoyance 3 (effect)
      • set to apply behavior > Clairvoyance 3


    • Learn
    • Clairvoyance

    I have a feeling it is the events on the actor that is causing the problem. The tutorials I've watched never showed a passive ability like this, only usable ones and they set the events like so. However, it may be the command card not actually learning the ability, but if I have multiple skill points I can clearly see myself leveling up the ability.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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