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    posted a message on Creating a Critter hero?

    hey all,

    I have checked a few of the help threads but i could not find the specific info. What I'm trying to do is have a map with heroic critters. I have only ever made REALLY basic maps before. But I cant seem to get the critters to be assigned to a player to control. and I cant seem to get the critter (for example, the Cow). to have normal unit controls. I tried importing the Marine data to the critter so that it would function similar to a Marine (its a starting point) but that did not work either.

    All i've managed to do is change the health and energy stats,etc. But thats no use when i cant control it or select it/etc

    Is anyone able to run me through on how to do this? It would be MUCH appreciated

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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