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    posted a message on More Camera Fun!

    I've got a camera system working where the camera follows behind a unit a fair distance and as the unit rotates so does the camera. But it doesn't rotate very accurately, or sometimes it doesn't rotate at all.

    This is what my trigger system looks like:

    + Game - Map initialization
    Local Variables:
    + Camera - Lock camera input for Player 1
    + Camera - Follow for player 1 (unit group(Ghost [76.87, 138.86])) with the camera and Clear Current Target
    + Unit - Ghost [76.87, 138.86] Stops Being idle
    Local Variables:
    + Camera - Set 'Player 1 View' Rotation to (Facing of Ghost [76.87, 138.86])
    + Camera - Set 'Player 1 View' target to (Position of Ghost [76.87, 138.86])
    + Camera - Apply 'Player 1 View' for player 1 over 1.0 seconds with Existing Velocity%

    initial velocity 10% deceleration and Don't Include Target

    What am I doing wrong here?

    and if anyone wants to suggest a more efficient Event to trigger the "Camera_AngleSet" I'm all ears (or should I say eyes).

    EDIT: Sorry for the large spacing, if I don't double space it bunches together and becomes a mess.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Third Person Camera/Movement

    I figured this is a close enough situation to mine to put in this thread instead of starting a whole new thread for a seemingly common issue.

    I have a unit which I like to still be controlled by selecting the unit and right clicking but I want the camera to follow behind the unit so as he turns so does the camera. But I'd also like to be able to control the rotation of the unit via holding a mouse button and rotating the camera view thus rotating the unit. I've tried many ways but the camera typically starts behind the unit, however after rotating the camera too much the view gets out of place.

    I don't mean to steal your thread Puged, I'm looking into you problem now and will post a response if I figure it out.


    Off the top of my head what you want would consist of something along the lines of:

    Event: Player '1' Presses 'A' key 'Down' with shift 'Allow', control 'Allow', alt 'Allow'

    Actions: 'Issue Order' (I'm trying to find out how this would work)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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