Hi im a Wc3 scripter fellow who then switched to Sc2. and if you ever made maps in Wc3 editor you probably know that there's a thing called "leak" it's important to remember that sc2 engien is much stronger and it's harder for it to leak but it still can. There are a bunch of ways your map can leak like stacking variables or spam spawning creeps without removing them. soooo avoid that also using key events creates extrem net trafic and i have only found one way to make it work without having a crazy delay in your map. You have to create a chase switch and test all the keys you're supose to use in your map that will reduce the lag(Y)
how a chase switch works
basicly you test for a special thing... like button is down "button"
chase1 key(1)
set key(1)=true
chase2 key(2)
set key(2)=true
And last the Defult which trigger if none of these buttons are down Good luck. HF
Hi im a Wc3 scripter fellow who then switched to Sc2. and if you ever made maps in Wc3 editor you probably know that there's a thing called "leak" it's important to remember that sc2 engien is much stronger and it's harder for it to leak but it still can. There are a bunch of ways your map can leak like stacking variables or spam spawning creeps without removing them. soooo avoid that also using key events creates extrem net trafic and i have only found one way to make it work without having a crazy delay in your map. You have to create a chase switch and test all the keys you're supose to use in your map that will reduce the lag(Y)
how a chase switch works
basicly you test for a special thing... like button is down "button"
chase1 key(1) set key(1)=true
chase2 key(2) set key(2)=true
And last the Defult which trigger if none of these buttons are down Good luck. HF