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    posted a message on Fog in canyons

    @RileyStarcraft: Go

    Hi Riley,

    Thanks for your swift response. I've been looking in the data editor but I have to admit that at a glance, it doesn't make much sense to me as I've (yet) to take the plunge into the data editor. Could I kindly ask for a slight elaboration, if you have the time?

    EDIT: After some digging around in the Belly of the Beast map I think I've uncovered the mystery. Thanks alot for bringing me on the right track!



    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Fog in canyons


    This might be a pretty simple question albeit I am rather new to the SC2 editor and have only just begun to dig deeper into it. My question relates to the static (is probably the best word) in the bottom of canyons (not created by doodads). An example can be seen in the map "Belly of the Beast" in the egg-room with the queen where a canyon with green glow/fog at the bottom. A similar thing can be seen in canyons in "The Dig".

    I have been looking around and trying to copy anything I could think of: map texture set, base height, etc but with no apparent success. I'd hope some of you have figured out how to do that and possibly explain it to me in layman's terms :-) I have been looking at the forums and tried to find an answer but with no luck right now.

    For your convenience, I have uploaded a photo of the area (in the mapeditor) of "Belly in the Beast" where the green fog at the bottom of the canyon is visible.

    Green fog in SC2 map (imageshack)

    Thank you in advance!

    Best regards, Storm

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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