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    posted a message on Minimap image is pure black


    sorry grabbing out this old thread.

    I've got nearly the same problem.

    When I duplicate a Texture Set, replacing some Textures to get the right Texture Set for my Maps in the Mod, I've got all the time the problem that the textures in the minimap (ingame) is black. Either in the Texture Set Editing (Data Editor) or in the single Texture (whatever its a new one or an original one) I can't find a place where I can modify the color or whatever which shows the texture in the minimap.

    So, all did run well except using an custom Texture Set.

    Found so many people with the same problem but no solution. Anyone here?

    Thanks folks ;)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Implementing Automated Refinery

    God damn'it. Sometimes it's that easy. Thanks folks. But how to change it via Upgrade ingame. Won't work throu Set Ability Trigger.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Implementing Automated Refinery

    Hey folks,

    I was able to replace the Refinery by the Automated Refinery in the Build-Menu of the SCV-Data and it run well in my mission. But is there a way to unlock or replace it by an upgrade?

    Like a copy of the SCV-Daa with the Automated Refinery, and if I upgrade this custom-upgrade, the classic SCV will be replaced by the copy building the new automated one?

    I get no clue in the realization.

    Thanks a lot for any hint.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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