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    posted a message on What would it require to..

    Was having trouble. But i found what i was doing, i keep missing the parenthesis to change the acting function.. so i get locked down to commands that are not helpful to me. But now i've got it.. thanks.

    Separately.. I need to add a behavior to a unit, but there isn't a straight forward way to add a behavior.. at least its not as easy to figure out as adding an effect..

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    posted a message on What would it require to..

    @voodude2008: Go

    Yeah i need to do some searching and see what I can come up with. Patrol itself is an ability i believe, not really a trigger command so its not quite so simple. But perhaps there is something i havnt found.

    more thoughts lead to new ideas so its always appreciated. or a free bump for somebody who knows their stuff to chime in :D

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Avatar Mission: Good idea?

    I think using the movie concept adds a draw to the map, and motivation and inspiration. As well as directing how it is going to be made. Often times not limiting yourself creatively leads to one get overwhelmed and not able to focus on particular traits. This isn't true for everybody but i can certainly understand using a movie as a theme.

    I like the idea and hope you are able to execute it well. The banshees even look kind of like the small ships from the movie with the twin prop fans. Good luck!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on What would it require to..

    @voodude2008: Go

    There are detectors on the pathway for the specific location. I double checked by having stationary marines along the path, and they would attack. The units given the command to run from point to point would only do just that though. So I believe there is a trigger i need to add that will override the command to run in the event that a player is within range of the marines. Or perhaps I could make a region on the entire pathway and the marines would go attack the player if they entered the region at all?

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    posted a message on What would it require to..

    @unix055: Go

    I think I noticed that, but it works fine for my purpose as each player will only ever control one unit. That and I do not know enough about all the triggers to go through and set up a check for the correct unit type.

    Currently I am having a little difficulty having patrolling marines attack a player when they encounter the player. Obviously i need a trigger for this as well because they just continue patrolling. I think i need to attach a region to my patrolling units and if a player enters the region they will attack? with (queue previous orders) at the end of the action?

    I understand the concepts with all the triggering I am just not that familiar yet.. its kind of annoying. Thanks for the help again.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on What would it require to..

    Ah wonderful, good to know. Done and Done.

    Unix mentioned his trigger for patrolling units might be inefficient, but i cant think of a better way to do it. But I would like to be able to apply a trigger to a group of units, is that possible? I will give the options a look through.. seems as though most of the learning is just a matter of searching around.

    Thanks for the help guys, really appreciate the answers.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on What would it require to..

    So now I do have a couple questions.

    I have been playing around with the ghost unit adding particular behaviors and what not, but sometimes it gets wonky and drops the actor/model from my copied unit.

    I liked the idea of using Nova, but I cant find the unit anywhere in my own map? with this is the detection behaviors that show the perimeter of detection for the missile turrets and ravens, cant find that one either. Although the radar behavior is probably what i'll go with, leaving some guess work for the players because they wont know what unit is in the fog.

    Thanks again. Making progress now :D

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    posted a message on What would it require to..

    @unix055: Go

    Ah thank you, I will look at what you have done and try to learn as much as I can from it.

    I'll post back here with more questions. Thanks again

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on What would it require to..

    Hey All,

    I'm going to try to be concise about the map i want to make. I want to create something multiplayer with the infiltration style from the stealth campaign missions. - I am comfortable exploring the data editor and modifying units, but I have not spent a lot of time with it yet.

    - If you can tell me what to research based on my descriptions, that is really all i am asking -

    Each player will get a single unit, based on the ghost model or something similar, that much i can create so far.

    How do I edit the spawn set or spawn units for each player in the game. I don't want to put units on the map that are assigned to players because a game with fewer players would leave units standing around.

    Second I want to have enemy patrolling units that the player must avoid. How do i create a unit that patrols and returns to or stays on the patrol route during interaction with the player.

    I would like to implement checkpoints as well, but with a maximum of 3 respawns or something. What would I look up to learn how to do that?

    Thanks for the help, I am really looking forward to learning more about the tools in the editor.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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