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    posted a message on Changing terrain with triggers.

    Okay, thanks. Might I imply to ask if there is a good way to add actor/doodad-like grass or something? I shouldn't spoil the idea, but if I can't do it then parhaps someone else can make it, or even make it better, but I'm trying to make a terraforming-survival-map. Where you have to fight off hordes of enemies while making the planet inhabitable.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Changing terrain with triggers.


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    posted a message on Changing terrain with triggers.


    I have searched the forum, but didn't found my exact question. I also looked at some tutorials and didn't find any that quite answered my, so far, unspoken question. If there is somewhere there, please point me in the right direction because I'm getting gray hair just by ponder of this.

    I wish to change the terrain through triggers in the game. Not by raising or lowering any cliffs or terrain as such, as I found tutorials on. Instead I wish to go from dirt to grass, for example. I'm still new to the editor and havn't had much time so far to explore it, even if it under progress. I have searched every corner of the trigger-section I can imagine at the moment and didn't find anything useful.

    Any help with this problem is appreciated. : )

    Posted in: Triggers
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